What do you think of prayer? Is it something we do when we need something – a type of request line? Is it a way to soothe our hearts and minds when things are swirling around us? Prayer can be different things to different people, but at its very core, prayer is communication with God, and is comprised of both talking and listening. We are very good at the talking, aren’t we?
But prayer is more than just a way to ask for things. Last Sunday, as a church family we had the privilege of praying for Austin Eades and his family as he leaves for Boot Camp. Our prayers were requests – keep him safe, give him strength, help him to know he is loved. But, it also included thanksgiving for Austin – for his life, his determination, his love for his family, his church, and his God.
This Sunday we again have the opportunity to join together as a community of faith in prayer as we dedicate a sweet young child to God. Because of the calling of one of our members, our church family has been blessed to have foster children in our midst. This Sunday we will come together in prayerful support of a young man that has stolen our hearts. We will hold Noah and his foster mother, Emily Maxey, in our prayers. We will pledge to pray for them and support them. We will promise to hold both Emily and Noah before God throughout his life.
Emily has chosen Jeremiah 29:11 as Noah's life verse. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” We don’t know what the future will hold, but we do know that God holds Noah's future, and for that, we give thanks.
~Pastor Jane