Fall has finally arrived and with it comes several extra occasions for the Union family to share the love of Jesus in our community. These are what I like to call “inviting events” – events that are specifically designed, not for us, but for those around us. Of course, we will love participating in each of these opportunities, but for these events, our main focus is outward instead of inward. What is coming up?
First – On Sunday, October 29, from 4-6 pm, we have invited out friends and neighbors to join us for Fall Family Fun Night. This will be a fun afternoon of games and activities for children of all ages. How can you help? We need as many volunteers as possible to help with games, crafts, face painting, hayrides, inflatables, and so much more. Can you give some time to help? Sign up on the clipboard on Sunday, or call the church office 706-769-6448 to volunteer.
Second – Once again we will be filling Thanksgiving Boxes for families in need during the holidays. Families apply for these boxes through the local school and guidance counselors. As we’ve done in the past few years, Union will provide a box, a list of items needed, and information about a specific family (no names). Empty boxes will be available for pickup in the Gathering Space on Sundays, October 29 and November 5. Filled boxes should be returned on Sunday, November 12 and will be distributed on Friday, November 17.
Third – Sunday, November 5 is time change Sunday – when we will switch from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. This is also the day we get an extra hour of sleep. On that day we will have “Pack A Pew Sunday,” when you are encouraged to invite friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers to come join you for worship at Union and sit with you on “your pew.” That day we will all wear name tags, just another way to take away one of the barriers for some people. Be thinking about who you can invite and let’s have fun, “Packing A Pew” together.
~Pastor Jane