As I began thinking about what I wanted to write about this week, a plug for Fall Family Fun Night was the first thing that came to my mind. But, somehow that seemed wrong. Like many of you, I have been overcome with the heaviness that seems to be surrounding us, especially this past week. We ask the question, “why,” but there seems to be no answer. I find myself wanting to do something – anything.
Let me suggest an idea that comes out of the Bible/Book study our women are currently involved in, based on the book Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton; the idea – a walk with God. How can walking bring us closer to God? The old gospel hymn says it this way:
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea.
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, Let it be.
A specific way we can walk with God is through a practice called Prayer Walking – a walk that is taken for the purpose of being with God. One of the main differences between a prayer walk and a normal walk is that on a prayer walk, we are not trying to get somewhere and there is no agenda except to be fully present in the moment. You can even do a prayer walk inside your own home.
I hope you will try this and as you begin this time with God, here are some suggestions to lead you:
Begin slowly and take some time to breathe deeply before beginning.
Acknowledge God’s presence and invite God to walk with you.
Feel free to just walk quietly and receptively or to talk to God as you walk.
Let God speak to you as you walk - through your inward voice or through things you might see.
Thank God for his presence with you.
Let’s join together in walking with God this week.
~Pastor Jane