This Sunday we move back into the Old Testament, to the book of Jeremiah, continuing our Lenten series on Covenant. Interestingly, as we’ve moved through these five weeks of Lent, God’s covenants have moved closer and closer to us. Do you remember?
We began with God’s covenant to Noah – marked by a rainbow with its promise way up in the sky. God’s covenant with Abraham and Sarah, the promise to make them parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents of a multitude of nations, probably seemed to them to also be way up in the sky – an impossibility. The Ten Commandments were a covenant written on stone tablets kept in the holy of Holies in the Temple. God’s covenantal promise of enduring love, made possible through Jesus, moves closer and closer to us. And, as we will be reminded this week, Jeremiah says that one day God will write a covenant on our hearts. It doesn’t get much closer, does it?
In worship on Sunday, we will focus on the text from Jeremiah 31:31-34, where God makes this extraordinary promise. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”
Written on our hearts – it doesn’t get much closer!
-Pastor Jane