March 21

It is Monday morning and our building is quiet, but this was not the case just a few hours ago. For yesterday afternoon found a bevy of Union folks tearing down and building back up. Sunday School rooms were transformed into bedrooms as furniture was moved, beds were rolled in, and beautiful clean sheets and towels were placed for our guests. The building was alive with children playing in the play-sized kitchen, eating wonderful food, and running up and down the hallways, as only children can do! Parents were relieved with the knowledge that their family was in a safe place with loving people. It was the first day of hosting families from Interfaith Hospitality Network.

This past Sunday, as I preached from Jeremiah 31, where we are reminded that God’s word, God’s law, and God’s love are written on our hearts, it didn’t cross my mind that this very passage would be lived out that afternoon. For you see - as Union volunteers set up, cooked dinner, spent time with the families, spent the night, and drove them to day care and the Day Center this morning – each person was living as examples of the New Covenant – examples of what our lives can be like when God is “tattooed on our hearts,” as our own children learned during Children’s Chat on Sunday.

“I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people.” Jeremiah 31:33

-Pastor Jane