Have you ever had a desire to go on a mission trip? Would you like to serve side-by-side with those who might be younger or older than you, in a culture that might be different from our own? If your answer is yes, or even maybe, then keep reading. You may remember that one of the provisions of our Permanent Fund was the use of a portion of the yearly earnings to go solely for missions. Last year we were able to give monetary grants to three of our partners – ACTS, The Sparrows Nest, and Interfaith Hospitality Network. This year, there has been a suggestion that we look at the possibility of a church-wide, intergenerational mission trip. I am personally very excited about this because some of my fondest memories and times when I have experienced God’s presence have been on mission trips.
In August, this idea was presented to Council, and as a group we are continuing to talk about it. The initial thought would involve going to Puerto Rico in early June, 2019. This type of trip would not require a passport. We are exploring partnering with an organization called Praying Pelican Missions. You can check out their website at prayingpelicanmissions.org. There are many different details to work out and a lot of discussion ahead, but for right now, would you begin praying about it. We are at the point of exploring the interest in such a trip, so if you would like to talk further about it, please let me know. We are blessed as a church that part of our funding can come from the Permanent Fund.
I look forward to many conversations in the coming days.
-Pastor Jane