We love sharing our building!! I’ve written about this before, but wanted to revisit the great gift our facilities are to the community. This Thursday, a new group will begin using our building on a regular basis. Oconee Suzuki Strings is a group of children and teenagers who are learning violin using the Suzuki method. These children and their instructor will be meeting twice a month on Thursday afternoons in the basement youth space, beginning this Thursday. If you are around while they are here, please give them a warm welcome. I have already invited them to play in a worship service later this fall, so you will have the opportunity to hear them and offer your support.
Also this month we will host the Big Spring Quilters, Woodmen of the World, and Interfaith Hospitality Network, in addition to our own church meetings. It’s a busy place around Union, and that’s how it should be – sharing the love of God with each other and with our community.
-Pastor Jane