January 30

What is a church? When I was a little girl, I often did the “finger play” rhyme that described a church in simple terms so that even a child could understand. With hands clasped, fingers on the inside, we would recite the words: “Here is the church. Here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” And as we opened our hands, we would wiggle our fingers, showing all the people.

What is a church? This is the question we will explore this week in worship. Is it, like the children’s rhyme says, the steeple, the doors, or the people? Or, is there something more? Our text this Sunday, selected by you, is Acts 2:1-47, from The List: 100 Essential Scripture Passages. While we will focus on verses 42-47 for the sermon, I encourage you to read the entire chapter and ask yourself the questions: What was it that brought this first church together? What were the important elements of this first Christian community? My prayer is that the answer to these questions will prod us forward, to be the best community of believers possible.

-Pastor Jane