An Update From the Puerto Rico Mission Team:
The Puerto Rico Mission Team from Union, 18 strong, held its first planning meeting on Sunday, January 13. As we move closer to our trip dates – June 1-7, I would like to share updated information with you, so that you can begin praying for us.
Our group is comprised of both men and women, that range in age from high school to senior adults. It is a good team – filled with people with strong skills who want to use their skills to share the love of God with the people of Puerto Rico. We are working with an amazing mission sending agency called Praying Pelican Missions, where we have a consultant dedicated specifically to our group. While there, we will partner with a local church and its pastor.
One of the unique things that Praying Pelican does, is allow the mission group to define what type of work they would like to do based on their gifts and interests. As we met, we identified the top three areas this particular team would like to focus on. They are construction – continuing hurricane relief for both homes and churches, working with children – either Backyard Bible Clubs, sports camps, or tutoring, and community health. Would you begin praying with us that God would open the doors to exactly where we should be serving, and to the people to whom we will be ministering?
A trip like this obviously costs money. Our plan is to fund the trip with personal pay, a grant from the Church Permanent Fund, and a series of fund raisers. We have two that are already scheduled.
First, a spaghetti supper and silent auction on Sunday night, March 17. How can you help with this one? If you have an item that you would like to donate to the auction, please let Holley Downs know. These can range from gift baskets, to crafts, to tickets to sporting events, to nights in a vacation home, to personal services – the list is endless. And – invite your friends and neighbors to join us that night. Information about tickets will be coming soon.
For the second event, we plan to have a giant yard sale on Saturday, April 13. How can you help? Begin looking around your home, setting aside things you would be willing to donate. If you can keep them at your home until early April, that would be best for us.
Finally – the most important – begin praying earnestly for this trip. We covet your prayers for all that are going, for the people we will be ministering to, but most importantly, that God will be present in everything we do.