My dear Union family – I miss you!! It is so hard to be separated during these days. Do know that I am praying for each of you by name.
I’m writing this week to share some information with you about how we are proceeding as a church during these uncertain days and answer some questions.
When will we be back in the building? The answer is: we don’t know. We had previously shared information that the building would be closed through the end of March. We are extending that time indefinitely and will let you know when it is safe to come back to the building. Whatever Sunday that is, we will celebrate Easter!!
How will we worship together in the meantime? Each Sunday morning at 11:00, we will share a time of worship on Facebook. This time will be different than our normal in person service. We will hear some beautiful music, and I will share a short message with you. In addition, we will all share in communion. Even though we are not together physically, we will be together spiritually. When you gather for worship, bring a drink and a bite that can be used for communion. Remember, Jesus took what was on the table and used that. Let’s do the same. Also, have your Bible ready. If you do not use Facebook, the service will be available on our church website on Monday.
Are we still doing mission work?
Right now, we are participating in a new project. Gina McKinney and Joyce Beckwith are leading the charge to make masks for our medical professionals. If you would like to help, contact Gina at 706-207-3509 or or Joyce 706-338-4475 or
ACTS has offered the following update: ACTS will be operating on our regular schedule being open on Tuesday and Friday from 9 until 1 until further notice. We will not be accepting new clients for now so we can continue to serve our current clients. If our volunteers are staying home to isolate themselves, we understand and ask you to notify us by email, call, or text message so we can adjust the way we serve our clients. email, phone or text to 706-540-3695.
Family Promise has moved their May fundraising event to this week. You might have already seen information about it on Facebook or via email. We will be using the GiveGab online platform March 25-April 1 to try to raise $25,000.00 to both cover our increased costs during this crisis and to increase the possibility of matching funds through a variety of sources. Starting on March 25 folks can go the GiveGab site to donate directly. Here's the link:
In addition to weekly worship, how else can we say connected?
Monday nights at 7:00 – Women’s Bible Study will meet via Zoom
Wednesday mornings at 9:30 – Women’s Bible Study will meet via Zoom
Saturday mornings at 10:00 – a prayer time will be offered via Call 706-548-9071 to talk with other Union members and share prayer requests. These requests will be published on the church prayer list. If you have additional requests, please let me know.
Sunday nights at 7:00 – Youth will meet via Zoom with Miss Holly and Garrett
College students will meet via Zoom – time TBD
Beginning next week, we will also offer a church-wide Bible study via Zoom - time TBD
How can I give my offering? There are several ways you can make sure your offering gets to Union. These are uncertain financial times for everyone. Your continuing generous gifts enable Union to honor our ministry and missions.
You can mail a check to the church 1130 Union Church Road Watkinsville, GA 30621.
You can notify your bank to send a check to the church.
We are also working on providing an online option as another way to give.
Speaking of money, what about the Benevolence Offering? This Sunday is a fifth Sunday, the time for an “extra” offering that goes toward Benevolence ministry. You can send your benevolence offering in the same way as your regular offering. (see above) Please make a note of its designation.
These are uncertain times for us all. During these days, I encourage you to be gentle with yourself. Many of you are working from home, parenting, and homeschooling. Instead of trying to do everything, take time to call your friends, send a card, spend some time in quiet contemplation, and listen for the voice of God. The building may be closed, but the church isn’t. We’re just out, sharing God’s good news.
-Pastor Jane