April 1

Union family,
My prayers are that you are all doing well today. If you are like me, you aren’t quite sure of which day of the week it is. As hard as this quarantine is, by sheltering in place, we can know that we are doing what is best for ourselves and all our neighbors. This action is perhaps the greatest ministry we can offer during these uncertain days.
Beginning this Sunday, we enter into Holy Week – a week like no other. And, this year, it will truly be that. I have asked myself so many questions about how we can have Holy Week without gathering, and to be honest, I’m still not sure of the answer. But, it is here, and I know God will speak to us, even in the uncertainty. With that said, here are the plans.
This Sunday, April 5, Palm Sunday – we will meet on Facebook at 10:30 to celebrate and remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. In this article you will see a link to a Palm Frond. If you are able, print this attachment, cut the palm frond out and color it. There will be a point in our online service where we will all wave out fronds together, much like we would do if we were in the sanctuary. Also, come to the online service with your Bible and your own communion elements.
Each day during Holy Week, Monday-Saturday, April 6-11 – we will do something we’ve never done. At 3:00 each afternoon, I will be on Facebook Live, reading the Holy Week stories. What did Jesus do each day between Palm Sunday and Easter? Have you ever wondered? Each day, we will hear from the gospel of Matthew as he tells the story. I invite you to take a few minutes out of your day, Monday-Saturday, and hear the words that will guide our journey during the week. If you cannot watch at 3:00, the videos will remain up to view at any time that is convenient. We will also post these videos on the church website. www.unionchristianchurch.net.
Even though this will be a different Holy Week that we’ve been used to, it can be a meaningful and holy time for us all. I encourage you to take advantage of these offerings. May God’s love surround you this week.

Download the Palm Frond HERE. 

-Pastor Jane