This Fall, we are excited to offer three Small Group Bible Studies with opportunities for both women and men to participate! All three groups will study the Lord's Prayer using Adam Hamilton's book, The Lord's Prayer: The Meaning and Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught.
As a church, we know the Lord's prayer well and pray it together in worship each Sunday. But often, because the prayer is so familiar, we pray it without remembering the power of the words we are praying. This study will help us better understand what we are really asking God each time we pray the Lord's Prayer.
Small Groups are excellent for building close and supportive friendships within the church family. Additionally, with all three groups studying the same book this Fall, we can also have conversations across the groups about what we are learning as we explore the Lord's Prayer together.
You can find more information specific to each small group below. To join a group, email us at or sign-up on the clipboard in the Gathering Space. You can pick up your book in the Gathering Space or at the first group meeting. I hope you will make plans to join one of our Small Group Bible Studies!
Fall Small Bible Study Group Schedule
Teacher: Pastor Heather
Women's Evening Small Group- Monday, September 12 to October 24, 6:00 PM at the Webb Home with a Snack Supper.
Women's Morning Small Group- Wednesday, September 7-October 19, 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall with morning snacks and treats.
Men's Evening Small Group- Wednesday, September 7-October 19, 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall with a snack supper. Concludes before choir practice.