The Prayerful Pause - August 24

After much prayerful reflection during our 100 Days of Prayer, God led me to a focus word for us this church year. Our focus word for 2022-23 is FAMILY! Over the next year, we will explore what it means to be part of God’s family and the Union Church family in many different ways. We will explore our focus word “FAMILY” as we worship, fellowship, and seek to reach out to our community together.

To kick off our Family theme, we will have a fantastic fellowship opportunity for the whole church in September! I hope you will make plans to join us for our Intergenerational Game Night on Sunday, September 18, from 4-6 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Our Youth and Cool Kids are helping us run Game Night, and it’s for anyone ages 0 to 100+! That age bracket covers all ages in the Union Family! Come play Bingo and enjoy several other fun games around the tables. Bring a snack to share and come dressed in support of your favorite sports team. 

Research has shown that families who regularly spend time doing enjoyable activities together have stronger relationships with each other than families who do not. We also need to have fun as a family of faith! It’s my hope that God will use this time to grow and strengthen our relationships with each other across the whole church family. I hope you will invite a friend to come with you for this special night of fun and games as well!