This week, I wanted to pause and share a few ideas for simple, low-cost ways that we can be the hands and feet of Christ together this summer! Yes, we can share God’s love with others in our daily lives just by doing small acts of unexpected kindness from time to time. Here are a few ways to prayerfully consider reaching out to folks around you this summer.
Help Union’s Christian Women’s Fellowship collect the school supplies that our teachers have requested for students in need. You can drop your supplies in the Gathering Space until July 23. Please be sure to check the list of supplies needed in this mid-week update before you do your shopping.
Mail notes of encouragement to 3-4 people on the Union prayer list.
Call, text, or email someone who is discouraged and share some kind words of encouragement, remembering that "Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body” (Proverbs 16:24).
Deliver some pre-packaged snacks to a local fire station, police station, medical office, or business with a thank you note.
Spend time with a friend or neighbor who needs some encouragement. The ministry of your presence with others means so much.
Drop off some flowers, garden fresh produce, cookies, or another small gift on a neighbor's porch with an encouraging note.
Invite some friends to join you for church on a Sunday morning, and then share a meal and good conversation with them afterward.
No matter how you are led to do it, please keep sharing God’s love with others wherever you are and wherever you go this summer! I am thankful for you, Union Family! May God continue to bless others through your love, generosity, and service!