Sometimes it is easy to get depleted and bogged down by life’s difficulties. Over the years, I have learned that when I feel discouraged, it helps to intentionally thank God for what I am grateful for each day. When I spend time praising God, the giver of all good gifts, God grows a heart of gratitude in me that helps me rejoice even when life is tough.
As a church family, we have much to be grateful for this past year. Union is growing and thriving in our shared ministry together. We’ve had rich times of worship over the past year, filled with God’s presence and some amazing music from our Choir and Worship Band. We had six new members officially join, and many more active participants became part of the Union family, too! Our youth and children’s ministries are flourishing. We’ve launched new ministries like Young Adult Hangout, GriefShare, CommUnity Groups, and enjoyed several wonderful Intergenerational Fellowship opportunities. You’ve continued ministries like Family Promise, service with ACTS, Christian Women’s Fellowship Projects, Craft Group, and Disciples Men. Our Small Group Bible studies that meet during the school year are thriving with groups for both women and men. Our outreach efforts into the local community through VBS, Benevolence Ministries, outreach projects, and other special events have helped us interact with our neighbors and share God's love within and beyond our walls. The thriving ministry of Union Christian Church gives me a reason to smile and rejoice today!
As we enter a new church year this month, I want to encourage you to take a moment to view some of the pictures of our life and ministry together over the past year. Check out the wonderful slideshow of updated photos on the church website at I promise you’ll see many reasons to smile and rejoice! As you watch the slideshow, I hope you’ll take some time to give God all the praise and glory for so many good gifts! Then, please pray that God will continue to grow us and guide us our ministry together in the year ahead.
I love being your pastor, Union Family! I thank God each time I remember you!