The Prayerful Pause - July 12

When it the last time you were really still? It’s a call we find in Psalm 46.
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10
Last week, I enjoyed reading about how the Christian non-profit International Justice Mission practices an intentional Holy Stillness each morning from 8:30-9:00 AM. International Justice Mission is a courageous and bustling organization that works around the world to fight against human trafficking, slavery, and abuse. Despite this daunting work that could so easily feel soul-crushing and exhausting, the entire organization is committed to stopping for 30 minutes at the start of every morning to be still before God for 30 minutes.
During this time of intentional Holy Stillness that occurs across multiple times zones each day, there are no cell phones, computers, or devices, and no meetings are held. Instead, they focus on being well-connected to Christ and staying connected to him as their source for service. Many use this time to journal, to pray, or to focus on a verse of Scripture or a well-loved passage from the Bible. Others simply sit still and listen for God’s direction.
During July and August, I want to encourage us to be intentional about taking a little time every day to be still and to know God. As we sit in stillness with God, I have listed a few things you can talk with God about below. But I am sure you have things of your own you would enjoy talking about with God. These are only suggestions. 

  • God, please sing me a love song that reminds me who I am in Christ.

  • God, what do you want me to remember about you today?

  • God, what are your dreams for me as a follower of Christ?

  • God, what are your dreams for Union as a church?

  • God, what assignments do you have for me as I seek to share your love in the world?

  • God, what do you want to teach me or show me today?

Next week, I will share a few tips for practicing Holy Stillness and drawing closer to Christ in our midweek update. Until then, may you find Christ's love and deep peace in the stillness.