I am excited to share a few updates about our GriefShare Ministry with you! By God's grace, our GriefShare ministry is expanding this Fall, and we will host two groups to support those grieving the loss of friends and loved ones.
Our primary group will be at Union starting Thursday, August 24, at 1:30 PM and will run for 13 weeks. We will gather at the start of each session in the Fellowship Hall for some light refreshments and fellowship before the support group session begins.
This Fall, we are also partnering with our friends at Presbyterian Village to co-host a second group specifically for their residents on Mondays.
We are blessed to have fantastic facilitators who will lead these weekly group sessions at both locations. I am excited to see how God is using their willingness to serve and their unique gifts to compassionately walk with those who are grieving.
Please pray for all who will lead or participate in GriefShare. Prayer support is vital to a ministry like GriefShare, and we are so thankful for the way the Union Family continues to intercede for those involved in this ministry.
I hope you will also reach out and invite someone you know who is grieving to join our Thursday GriefShare Group Union at 1:30 PM. Our Union support group is open to anyone from the church or the community who may find GriefShare helpful. Participants can join any time during the 13 weeks by registering online at https://www.griefshare.org/groups/168289 or by calling the church office.
It’s exciting to see how God is growing the impact of our GriefShare Ministry through your prayers and support. I can’t wait to see what God does next, both in us and through us together.
May God continue to keep us moving forward together!