Today I want to pause and ask you to pray for our spiritual leaders at Union, both our Elders and Deacons. Our current and previously serving Elders and Deacons will participate in a retreat in the Fellowship Hall from 10-2 PM this Saturday. Our topic for the Retreat will be Forward Together, and we will explore the importance of being a multigenerational church. We will look at ways to grow interactions and connections between various generations in the Union Family. We will also explore practical ways to connect with people from various generations who are hungry for God in the surrounding community.
Each generation has unique perspectives to share, and we celebrate that all of God's children from every generation can find a home in God's family! God wants our life and ministry together to be meaningful and relevant for all ages. Saturday's workshop will help our spiritual leaders seek God's direction and God's way forward together, so that people of all ages have a place here at Union for generations to come.
As you pray for our spiritual leaders at Union this week, I also invite you to reflect on the words of the old Hymn, O God, our Help in Ages Past. It's number 67 in our Chalice Hymnal, and we will sing it this Sunday together in worship. The text by Isaac Watts reminds us of the incredible way God brings us all together and keeps us moving forward as the people of God.
O God, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come,
our shelter from the stormy blast,
and our eternal home!
Under the shadow of thy throne
still may we dwell secure;
sufficient is thine arm alone,
and our defense is sure.
Before the hills in order stood,
or earth received her frame,
from everlasting thou art God,
to endless years the same.
A thousand ages, in thy sight,
are like an evening gone;
short as the watch that ends the night
before the rising sun.
Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
soon bears us all away;
we fly forgotten, as a dream
dies at the opening day.
O God, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come,
be thou our guide while life shall last,
and our eternal home.