I am looking forward to this Sunday! It is Palm Sunday, and we will remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We will remember that the crowds welcomed Jesus by waving palm branches and shouting, "Hosanna." We will remember that Jesus entered the city most unexpectedly, riding on the back of a humble donkey. We will remember that those welcoming cheers of Hosanna soon turned to jeers, sneers, and angry voices shouting, "crucify him."
As we prepare our hearts for Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week, let's prayerfully pause and remember that Jesus, our King, comes to us daily as we experience ups and downs on the road of life. In times of joy, celebration, sorrow, challenge, or peace, Jesus, our King, comes to us and is with us on the journey every day! May we welcome his presence and rejoice!
Palm Sunday also begins Holy Week, the week that we journey with Jesus from the shouts of “Hosanna” on Palm Sunday, to the Upper Room and the Garden on Thursday, to the horrific events of Good Friday, and to the joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Below, you can find a complete calendar of our services during Holy Week. Please invite someone you know to come and worship with you during Holy Week!
This year, I am especially excited that we will gather with other Disciples for worship twice during Holy Week! On Maundy Thursday, Union will gather with our brothers and sisters from First Christian Athens and Bogart Christian for a combined Communion Service at First Christian of Athens at 6:30 PM. A carpool will leave from Union at 5:40 PM that afternoon, with several of our Elders driving.
On Easter Morning, our brothers and sisters from Watkinsville First Christian will join us at Union for our Easter Sunrise Service, which begins at front of the church at 7:00 AM. After the Sunrise Service, we will gather for a potluck breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. Biscuits will be provided, and you are encouraged to bring an easy breakfast side dish to share.
As we prepare for Holy Week, please pray that God will draw us and others in the wider community closer to Jesus. I look forward to experiencing Holy Week with you as we remember Jesus' life, death, and resurrection together!