Thank you for caring for our family as we prepare for my upcoming surgery. You all are wonderful people, and you continually encourage us with Christ's love even in difficult times. My surgery will take place on April 4, and I will be taking some time off to recuperate after the surgery until April 26.
While I am recovering, many folks are stepping in to help cover my preaching, teaching, and pastoral care responsibilities. Below is a guide to help you know what to expect while I am away.
Sunday, April 7
Teaching Sunday School - Jonathan Byrd
Preaching - Rev. Parrish Myers
Communion - Alan Hickerson
Sunday, April 14
Teaching Sunday School - Jonathan Byrd
Preaching - Rev. David Webb
Communion - Rev. David Webb
Sunday, April 21
Teaching Sunday School - Jonathan Byrd
Preaching - Rev. Hoyt Huff
Communion - Alan Hickerson
Here are a few other notes for the month of April:
For Pastoral Care needs or emergencies, please contact Pasty Orr, our Elder Chairperson, so that one of our Elders can reach out to you.
For any other church needs, please contact Patti Clark, our Church Council Chairperson.
Our Spring Bible Studies will not take place as we originally planned. We will finish our Psalms Study next Fall.
For any questions about GriefShare, please contact Mimi Benkoski, Amy Pritchett, Nan Deal, or Kay Smith.
We made a few other changes to the April church calendar. The most up-to-date calendar is at We will continue publishing calendar updates in upcoming Bulletins and Midweek emails.
This month, Holly will begin recruiting volunteers for our VBS in June! I hope you will prayerfully consider how God can use your gifts, talents, and skills for VBS this year! Please let Holly know if you are interested in serving.
Thank you again for your prayers and support! I love you, Union Family, and I love being your pastor. May God continue to grow and guide us forward together!