Partnership is important as we seek to follow Jesus. We are not called to walk the journey alone. Throughout the Bible, we see the power of partnership in our spiritual growth—just think about Moses and Aaron, Ruth and Naomi, or Paul and Silas. These relationships highlight the importance of having others with whom we can share our joys and concerns on the journey with Jesus. One of the ways we will seek to experience the power of partnering within the Union Family this year is through our Rooted in Christ Prayer Partners Initiative.
A prayer partner is more than just a friend; they are a fellow traveler on the path of faith, someone who stands with you in the gap, lifting you up in prayer when you are weak and rejoicing with you when prayers are answered. When we know someone is praying for us and with us, it reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that God has placed people in our lives to help bear our burdens. Paul says it this way in Galatians 6:2, Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Below, you will find information about the goals and the sign-up process for our Rooted in Christ Prayer Partner Initiative! I hope you will connect with a prayer partner this year and allow it to enlarge your faith and deepen your roots in Christ.
What are the goals for Rooted in Christ Prayer Partners?
Growing deeper roots as a disciple of Jesus.
Greater awareness of the power of prayer.
Praying more often.
Learning different ways to pray together.
The opportunity to pray for someone else and have them pray for you.
A chance to pray with another person for the ministries of Union and our local and global ministry partners.
A chance to pray with another person about the things that weigh on your heart that impact people locally and globally. (Examples: poverty, homelessness, violence, wars, famine, disease, natural disasters, etc.)
What are some things that Prayer Partners can do together?
Share prayer requests with your prayer partner.
Decide how often to pray for each other, perhaps once a day after waking or before bed.
Consider praying for each other at the same time every day. (Set your alarm for a specific time; when it goes off, pray for each other.)
Get together before/after weekly worship, Bible study, or at another time during the week in person or on the phone to share in prayer together.
How to sign up?
Sign up on the clipboard in the Gathering Space.
You can also sign up at
Participants can sign-up already having their prayer partner(s) in mind. If you already know your prayer partner, sign up in pairs or with a small group.
If you need help with your prayer partner(s), just sign yourself up, and our Elders will match partners together, putting them in pairs or in small groups.
Closing in prayer for you Union Family! I love you, and I love following Jesus with you!