Prayer Walk Around the Church
Taking a prayer walk around the church is a powerful way to intentionally cover Union’s people, spaces, and ministries in prayer! Will you join me in the coming weeks in taking a prayer walk around the church to ask for God's presence and guidance? Here is a guide to help you as you prayer walk through Union Church! I love you Union Family! Thank you for being a praying church!
Gathering Space
Prayer Focus: Pray that Union Church will always welcome everyone as Christ welcomes us. Ask that the love of Christ abound in Union Church and that people feel at home and embraced by the warmth of this space.
Fellowship Hall
Prayer Focus: Pray for fellowship and unity within the church community. Lift up the various discipleship ministries such as Sunday School Classes, Bible Study Groups, and GriefShare. Also, pray for the community groups that meet here, including TOPS and the Garden Club, that they would find support and connection.
Prayer Focus: Pray for the sanctuary as a place of worship where God's presence is felt powerfully. Ask for God's guidance during services so that the messages delivered and the worship offered would draw everyone closer to him. Pause to pray at each of the pews. Pray for the people who typically sit in each pew and pray that God will bring more friends to join us as we worship God together.
Choir Room
Prayer Focus: Pray for the choir and all those involved in the music ministry. Ask that their talents would be used to glorify God and to lead the congregation in heartfelt worship.
Children’s Rooms
Prayer Focus: Pray for the children and those who teach and care for them. Ask that these rooms would be places where children experience God’s love and learn to follow Him. Pray for protection, joy, and growth in faith.
Basement Space and Classrooms
Prayer Focus: Pray for all activities that take place in these areas. Ask for wisdom for the teachers and leaders who use these spaces and for the growth and learning of all who gather here. Pray that these rooms would be filled with God’s light and truth.
Prayer Focus: Pray for the kitchen as a place of service and fellowship. Ask that the meals shared or prepared here would nourish not just bodies but also foster community and care for one another. Pray for those who serve, that they would find joy in their work.
Parking Lot
Prayer Focus: Pray for safety and protection over everyone who enters the parking lot. Ask that as people arrive, they would feel a sense of peace and anticipation for what God will do in their lives.
Prayer Focus: Pray for the children who play here, that they would experience joy and make lasting friendships. Ask for their safety and that this place would be filled with laughter and the sound of God’s children at play.
Prayer Focus: Pray for the gatherings that take place here, whether they are church events, picnics, or informal gatherings. Ask that the pavilion would be a place where community is built and strengthened.
Ball Field and Playground
Prayer Focus: Pray for the activities that take place on the ball field and playground. Pray for all who enjoy time outside in these spaces. Ask that these places would be places of fun, teamwork, and fellowship, where relationships are built and God's love is demonstrated in action.
Prayer Focus: Pray for peace and comfort for those who come to remember loved ones. Ask that the cemetery would be a place where the hope of resurrection and eternal life in Christ is deeply felt and that those who grieve would be comforted. Offer a prayer of thanks for all who have gone before us and ask God to help us care for the church cemetery well.
Library and Hallways
Prayer Focus: As you walk through the library and the hallways connecting each room, pray for the health of your family, friends, church, and also for yourself. Ask God to bring growth and healing to any physical, emotional, or mental needs within your family or church family. Pray for strength, resilience, and the grace to face each day with hope and trust in God’s goodness.
Storage Room or Closet: Those Who Feel Isolated and Alone
Prayer Focus: Step into a storage room or closet and let it symbolize a place of loneliness and isolation. Pray for those who feel far away from God or from a church family. Ask God to draw them back to him and to reveal his love and grace to them in a new way. Ask God to give you the courage to offer love and light to their lives.