I wanted to share some updates about our prayer ministry at Union this week. As a church, we take praying for others seriously. We regularly pray for those who are part of our Union Family and for those in the wider community as well. Scripture teaches us that Jesus took prayer seriously as well. Jesus prayed for others during his earthly ministry, and he is praying for us right now, seated at the right hand of the Father. As followers of Christ, we have the unique opportunity to join Jesus in the ministry of prayer, lifting the needs of others to the Lord daily.
To help us be more intentional and specific in our prayer for others, our Elders have formed a Congregational Care Team. This team will come alongside of me to help us reach out and check in with the people on our prayer list for updates. This team will also help us reach out to those who may not be on our prayer list but need some love and encouragement. Evelyn Shelnutt, Wanda Maxey, Alan Hickerson, and Julia Beckwith will be serving on our Elder’s Congregational Care Team, and I am thankful for their service.
You will also notice a few changes to help you navigate our prayer list more easily in our Midweek Update. Our newest prayer concerns will be listed in the Midweek in blue just like it is in the Bulletin each Sunday. There will also be a button that you can click to access our complete prayer list at any time. Whether you are praying for those who have just been added to the prayer list or for those who have been on our prayer list for a while, please keep praying. Your prayers mean so much!
Finally, I wanted to share with you another group of Elders that will be serving on our Outreach Team. This group will come alongside of me to help us follow up with visitors and guests after they visit Union. I am grateful that Patti Clark, Patsy Orr, Donald Hansford, Dewey Collins, and Annette Saul will serve on the Outreach Team. As you pray for others this week, please also pray for those who are seeking a church home.
The Prayerful Pause - August 24
After much prayerful reflection during our 100 Days of Prayer, God led me to a focus word for us this church year. Our focus word for 2022-23 is FAMILY! Over the next year, we will explore what it means to be part of God’s family and the Union Church family in many different ways. We will explore our focus word “FAMILY” as we worship, fellowship, and seek to reach out to our community together.
To kick off our Family theme, we will have a fantastic fellowship opportunity for the whole church in September! I hope you will make plans to join us for our Intergenerational Game Night on Sunday, September 18, from 4-6 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Our Youth and Cool Kids are helping us run Game Night, and it’s for anyone ages 0 to 100+! That age bracket covers all ages in the Union Family! Come play Bingo and enjoy several other fun games around the tables. Bring a snack to share and come dressed in support of your favorite sports team.
Research has shown that families who regularly spend time doing enjoyable activities together have stronger relationships with each other than families who do not. We also need to have fun as a family of faith! It’s my hope that God will use this time to grow and strengthen our relationships with each other across the whole church family. I hope you will invite a friend to come with you for this special night of fun and games as well!
The Prayerful Pause - August 17
This Fall, we are excited to offer three Small Group Bible Studies with opportunities for both women and men to participate! All three groups will study the Lord's Prayer using Adam Hamilton's book, The Lord's Prayer: The Meaning and Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught.
As a church, we know the Lord's prayer well and pray it together in worship each Sunday. But often, because the prayer is so familiar, we pray it without remembering the power of the words we are praying. This study will help us better understand what we are really asking God each time we pray the Lord's Prayer.
Small Groups are excellent for building close and supportive friendships within the church family. Additionally, with all three groups studying the same book this Fall, we can also have conversations across the groups about what we are learning as we explore the Lord's Prayer together.
You can find more information specific to each small group below. To join a group, email us at office@unionchristianchurch.net or sign-up on the clipboard in the Gathering Space. You can pick up your book in the Gathering Space or at the first group meeting. I hope you will make plans to join one of our Small Group Bible Studies!
Fall Small Bible Study Group Schedule
Teacher: Pastor Heather
Women's Evening Small Group- Monday, September 12 to October 24, 6:00 PM at the Webb Home with a Snack Supper.
Women's Morning Small Group- Wednesday, September 7-October 19, 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall with morning snacks and treats.
Men's Evening Small Group- Wednesday, September 7-October 19, 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall with a snack supper. Concludes before choir practice.
The Prayerful Pause - August 3
It’s hard to believe that August has arrived already. It seems like only yesterday that summer started. Even as the summer season is winding down and school bells are ringing once again, we have many exciting things coming up on the horizon at Union.
This Sunday, August 7, we will celebrate Homecoming and 170 years of ministry as a church. Homecoming is a great day to invite friends and neighbors to “experience home” at Union with you. Many people have trouble finding authentic community and a sense of home in today’s fragmented world. Please pray that everyone will “experience home” and experience God’s love at Union on August 7. We also look forward to sharing a delicious fellowship meal after worship on Sunday and hope you will bring a covered dish for everyone to enjoy.
Our Blessing of the Backpacks will also take place on Sunday. This is a great time to invite students, teachers, and school staff to Union. During worship, we will offer a prayer of blessing for all students (preschool to graduate school), teachers, and school staff. We will also place a blessing tag on each school bag or backpack that morning as a reminder of the many prayers that go with those who learn and serve in our schools.
Indeed, even as the seasons change, God has great things ahead for us Union family! It’s a joy to journey with you!
The Prayerful Paul - July 27
I am excited about Homecoming and the Blessing of the Backpacks on Sunday, August 7! I want to encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors to “experience home” at Union on this special Sunday. As we celebrate 170 years of ministry as a church, this is a great day to invite friends and neighbors to experience the loving church community that we call home. Many people have trouble finding authentic community and a sense of home in today’s fragmented world. Yet, when our visitors “experience home” at Union, they also powerfully experience God’s love. We will enjoy a delicious Fellowship Lunch that Sunday after worship, and you are invited to bring a covered dish or two to celebrate.
Our Blessing of the Backpacks will also take place Sunday, August 7, during morning worship. That means it’s also a wonderful time to invite those returning to school in August. We will offer a prayer of blessing for all students (preschool to graduate school), teachers, and school staff; we will also place a blessing tag on all school bags. Please remember to bring backpacks and school bags to worship that morning.
It’s a joy to celebrate special Sundays with you, Union family! As we prepare to celebrate this special Sunday together, please join me in praying that God will help others “experience home” as well as God’s love and blessing at Union.
The Prayerful Pause - July 20
We have something exciting happening for our young adults at Union on Sunday July 31, at 5:00 PM! All of our young adults are invited to hang out at Pastor Heather’s house for the evening. We will share a meal and just enjoy each other’s company that night.
Who are these “young adults” that I am talking about? Young adults are past their High School years and are generally anywhere from 18-40-ish. If you are a young adult, I hope that you will make plans to attend our first “Young Adult Hangout” on July 31. All of our young adults are welcome and encouraged to invite friends to join us for this special evening of fun and fellowship together.
If you are no longer a young adult, don’t worry. I have some important jobs for you, too!
Please join me in praying specifically for our young adults at Union and for the young adults in the wider community.
Pray that God will guide and grow our ministry and outreach to young adults as a church family.
Send an encouraging note, card, or message to one of our young adults at Union.
Invite a young adult for a meal with you and your family.
Thank you, Union Family, for being a church that welcomes and loves people at every age and stage of life!
The Prayerful Pause - July 13
Summer is a great time for slowing down and spending quality time together. Spending time in fellowship is at the heart of what it means to be a church family. We remember that the early Christians "continuously devoted themselves to fellowship" (Acts 2:42). The Greek word for "fellowship" is koinonia, which means "to have in common" or "to share." Union Family, we share in the rich blessing of knowing Jesus and each other. Spending time in fellowship as a family of faith reminds us that we don’t walk the journey alone. God has given us the gift of each other!
We have a special opportunity to spend some time in fellowship together this weekend. I hope you will drop by our house on Saturday, July 16 anytime from 3-5 p.m. for some fun and fellowship together! We will have some snacks and desserts and enjoy each other’s company. You don’t need to bring anything other than yourself, and all ages are welcome. Our address is 3147 Meadow Springs Dr. Watkinsville, Georgia 30677. You can park on the street or in the driveway when you arrive. We hope to see you this Saturday at our house as we press pause and enjoy some fellowship together!
The Prayerful Pause - July 6
This week, I wanted to share a few more ideas for simple, low-cost Summer Service Projects to help us be the hands and feet of Christ together in our community! We can share God’s love with others in our daily lives just by doing small acts of unexpected kindness from time to time. Here are a few ways to consider reaching out to folks in our community over the next few weeks,
Help Union’s Christian Women’s Fellowship collect the school supplies that our teachers have requested for students in need. You can drop your supplies in the Gathering Space during the month of July. Please be sure to check the list of supplies needed in this mid-week update before you do your shopping.
Mail notes of encouragement to 3-4 people on the Union prayer list.
Deliver some pre-packaged snacks to a local fire station, police station, medical office or business with a thank you note.
Drop off some flowers, garden fresh produce, cookies, or another small gift on one of your neighbor’s porch with an encouraging note.
No matter how you are led to do it, please keep sharing God’s love with others wherever you are and wherever you go! I am thankful to be on mission with you, Union Family! May God continue to bless others through your love, generosity, and service!
The Prayerful Pause - June 29
For the next several weeks, I will be sharing some simple ideas for summer service projects in the Prayerful Pause. My hope is that God will use these simple acts of service to share love and encouragement with others. All of these summer service projects will be low cost and easy to do from home with your family. For this week’s Summer Service Project, I invite you to pause and write a hand-written note of encouragement to a person serving in the military.
You can send a note of encouragement to an unnamed service member through a wonderful organization in Duluth, Georgia called Hugs for Soldiers. In fact, Hugs for Soldiers is a ministry of Duluth First United Methodist Church, and they share encouraging notes with active-duty service members serving all over the world.
If you would like to write a note, be sure to check out Hugs for Soldiers letter writing guidelines at https://www.hugsforsoldiers.org/cards-and-letters and then mail your card to:
Duluth First United Methodist Church
3208 Duluth Hwy. 120
Duluth, GA 30096
Before you mail your letter, please pause and pray for the person that will receive it and ask God to encourage him or her as they serve!
The Prayerful Pause - June 22
Each one of us is an important part of the Body of Christ, and we each have various gifts, talents, and passions that God has given us for service and ministry together. The Apostle Paul’s words to the Church at Corinth remind us, “You are the Body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it” (1 Cor. 12:27).
As we turn the page and begin another church year, I want to ask you to pause and prayerfully consider some important questions:
What part of the Body of Christ are you?
How does God want to use you and your gifts as part of the Union Family?
One great way to get plugged in and use some of the gifts God has given you is to serve on one of our Service Teams at Union! Below are some short descriptions of our Service Teams. If you are interested in serving on a Service Team, take a moment to sign-up on the clipboard in the Gathering Space or contact me for more information. I am thankful for each of you and for the many ways we have to serve together as the Body of Christ.
Worship Leader Team- Lead the Call to Worship, offer the Invocation, and read the Opening Scripture during morning worship.
Children’s Church Team- Teach a Bible lesson to our preschool and elementary aged children. A lesson plan with fun activities can be provided.
Children’s Chat Team- Share a short Bible story or object lesson with our children during morning worship.
Nursery Team- Assist in caring for infants and toddlers in the church nursery during morning worship.
Greeter Team- Welcome guests and members to Union in a warm and friendly way.
Sanctuary Prep Team- Prepare the Sanctuary and Communion Table for morning worship.
Hospitality Team- Help provide food and hospitality during times of illness or bereavement.
Building Maintenance Team- Troubleshoot and work with a team to tackle the maintenance and repair and needs of the church building.
Safety and Security Team- Secure and monitor the church building and parking lot on Sundays.
The Prayerful Pause - June 15
As many of you have seen, there are confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our church family. Despite feeling fine while at church on Sunday morning, David Webb tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday evening, and I have now tested positive as well. Thankfully so far our cases are mild and Jyoti has tested negative. However, if you attended Worship or Sunday School on June 12, you could have been exposed to COVID-19.
We are hopeful that the risk is low; however, we are asking everyone to maintain personal diligence and monitor yourself for any COVID symptoms including:
Fever or chills
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Congestion or runny nose
Muscle or body aches
Nausea or vomiting
If you develop any symptoms after being at church this past Sunday, June 12, please stay home, talk with your healthcare provider, and get tested. Please also notify Pastor Heather or Nickie Pearson in the church office of any confirmed positive COVID cases.
Please also note that the Open House at the Webb Home that was scheduled for this Saturday, June 18 has been canceled, but we look forward to another chance to fellowship with you very soon.
We will postpone our regular Church Council meeting. Instead, we will meet next Thursday, June 23 at 7:00 PM.
At this time, we are planning to hold worship at 11:00 AM on Sunday, June 19. Parrish Myers will be our guest preacher and members of our Union family will lead worship. Should we need to make any adaptations to Sunday morning, we will communicate that later this week.
Sunday School will not meet this Sunday, June 19, since I am the teacher and have some of the materials at home.
Finally, please be in prayer for the health and well-being of our Union family and for my family, too. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns in the days ahead. I am thankful for you and I am blessed to be your pastor.
With every blessing,
Pastor Heather
The Prayerful Pause - June 8
Union Family, I am blessed to be your pastor and so thankful for our ministry together! My heart is absolutely full this week. Our Adventure Island VBS has been great! We’ve had a great group of kids and a fantastic group of volunteers each night. This week has been an answer to our prayers!
We’ve seen children excited about being at church. We’ve seen children learning important lessons from the Bible about love, trust, faith, hope, and joy. We’ve seen God’s love shared and received in amazing ways. The children have felt so loved while at Union, and that just makes my heart sing with joy! In response to all these blessings, I can think of nothing better to do but to pause and thank God. Please take a look at some of the pictures below then pause and pray with me.
Thank God for a wonderful week and praise God for making it all possible.
Thank God for all 28 children who came to VBS during the week!
Thank God for the volunteers who served and the supplies that were donated.
Pray for the children who attended VBS and for all the seeds that were planted in the hearts and minds of these little ones.
Ask God to continue to water and grow to seeds that were planted during VBS.
The Prayerful Pause - June 1
Summer is finally here! It’s time to enjoy some warmer weather and fun with family and friends. We also have a lot to look forward to as a church family this summer at Union. I hope you will jump in and participate as God leads you!
Vacation Bible School starts this Sunday, June 5, at 5:30 PM and runs through June 9! Thank you to all who have volunteered and shared supplies with us for VBS already! Adventure Island is going to be a lot of fun as we go on a quest in search for God’s great light together! Please pray for the children and all the volunteers who will participate in VBS this year. Ask God to bless them and grow each one in His grace.
This month, I also want to encourage you to prayerfully consider coming alongside our Christian Women’s Fellowship in their effort to raise funds for Week of Compassion’s ongoing work with the children and families of Ukraine. The CWF has already pledged $500 for this cause. If you would like to share a gift as well, you can do that until June 15. Just make sure to mark your gift for Week of Compassion. This year, our VBS Offering will also help support this vital work.
Finally, I want to remind you that we have 30 days to go in our 100 Days of Prayer for Union. Let’s keep praying and trusting God with every aspect of our life and ministry together. God has great things in store, Union Family! I am thankful to be your pastor!
The Prayerful Pause - May 25
Today our hearts are breaking as we think about the horrific violence and loss of life that occurred at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas yesterday. We also are grieving the deadly violence that occurred in a grocery store in Buffalo, New York just a few days ago. We continue grappling with the violence of war that has been so devastating for the people of Ukraine over the last several months. We find ourselves asking, what should our response be as followers of Christ when there is so much tragic violence in the world today?
As faithful followers of Christ, we grieve with those who are hurting. We pray and ask God to comfort those who mourn. We ask God to bring violence to an end and to help us live in peace with one another. We pray, "Lord have mercy." We pray, "Christ have mercy," and we know that God hears our faithful prayers.
Yet, as we pray, may we also remember that God wants to use us to help answer the prayers that we pray. We may think we have nothing to offer the Lord in the face of problems that are beyond our human understanding, but God sees things much differently. Yes, God wants to use us as we yield ourselves to be instruments of peace in God’s loving and faithful hands.
So, this week as we pray for those impacted by horrific violence in the world, let’s also ask God to use each of us as instruments of His peace. Let’s ask God to use us as instruments of peace in our own homes, in our community, and everywhere we go. Let’s also ask God to use us together as Union Christian Church as an instrument of peace in every aspect of our life and ministry together. May we, as the people of God, live in such a way that others experience the love and peace of Christ each time they come in contact with us individually or collectively as a church family.
For as we yield ourselves to be instruments of peace in God’s faithful hands, I sense that we will hear the promise and the challenge of Jesus’ own words found in Matthew 5:9 ringing in our ears and in our hearts, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Keep us in your faithful hands and use us daily as you answer the prayers we pray. Amen.
The Prayerful Pause - May 18
Have you ever felt like you wanted to talk with God, and you were not sure what to say? That happens to all of us from time to time. Any time I am searching for the words to say to God in prayer, I go to the Psalms and read them prayerfully.
There are 150 poems and songs in in the Book of Psalms and you can find every single human emotion there. Those who penned the Psalms did so with such authenticity and honesty before God. So, when we can’t find the words to pray, we can look to the Psalms for help.
This week, I’ve included a few Psalms for us to prayerfully read together. Find a quiet spot with your Bible and pray as you read each Psalm. I’ve also linked the passages below if you would like to read them on your screen as well.
No matter when or how you read these Psalms this week, you can do so trusting that God understands the prayer of our heart and knows what we would like to say even when we can’t find the words to express it fully.
After you read each of these Psalms, try to spend some time just sitting still with God and taking some intentional time to listen to God as well.
Be encouraged as you read and listen prayerfully! God is listening and God is speaking because God loves us!
Psalms to pray together this week:
The Prayerful Pause - May 11
Our young people are an important part of the Union Family! This Sunday is Graduate Sunday, and we look forward to celebrating our graduates together! We will present Bibles to Maya Allen and Joseph Drube, as our two High School Graduates on Sunday. We will also celebrate the accomplishments of Brice Eades, Kendall Green, and Shelby Thomas as our College and Graduate School graduates this year. All of our graduates have worked hard and we are proud of their achievements! Please take a moment to pause and pray for Maya, Joseph, Brice, Kendall, and Shelby as they begin new chapters in their lives. Pray that God will guide, uphold, and encourage these dear ones every day. Pray that our graduates will always remember that God is with them wherever they go.
Our children are also an important part of the Union Family! It was so wonderful to see so many children in church last Sunday and it filled my heart with joy! In just a few weeks, our Vacation Bible School will be here so I want to pause and encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors to join us for Adventure Island, June 5-9 from 5:30-8:30 pm! We still need volunteers to help lead the children around from station to station during VBS. If you can help that week, please talk with Angie Eades or Holly Green! Please also be in prayer for our VBS. Ask God to bless the children, the volunteers, and all we will learn together during VBS week!
The Prayerful Pause - May 4
This Sunday, May 8 is Mother's Day! Let’s pause and thank God for all who mother us and pray for them as well. Here are a few prayer points to help us pray.
Thank God for the mothers who raised us and also for all the women who have mothered us over the years in one way or another.
Thank God for those who mothered us in the home and for those who mothered us in the faith.
Thank God for all the women who have mothered us, nurtured us, taught us, prayed for us, encouraged us, and given us wise counsel and guidance.
Pray for those who long to be mothers and for those who grieve the loss or absence of children.
Pray for those who are missing mothers that have passed away or who are absent.
Pray that God will provide wisdom, encouragement, and strength to all the women who mother others every day.
Union is filled to the brim with mighty women who mother others in such amazing ways! Thank God for all who mother in the Family of God.
Indeed, God has used and continues to use women to love, nurture, and guide us. Thanks be to God for the mothering care of the mighty women in our lives. Amen!
The Prayerful Pause - April 27
This week, I am feeling especially thankful for Nickie Pearson! As you well know, Nickie is our wonderful Office Administrator here at Union. Today, April 27, is Administrative Professional’s Day, and we are celebrating Nickie’s faithful service to God in the church office!
Nickie works with the exact right mix of dedication, attention to detail, and compassion. She makes sure things are running smoothly in the church office with great skill and organization. Nickie’s work in the office is indeed outstanding but her warmth and care for the people of Union is something that sets her apart. She is a tremendous blessing to us as a church family and to me as your pastor!
As part of our 100 Days of Prayer at Union and in celebration of Administrative Professional’s Day, let’s pause and thank God for Nickie this week!
Thank God for Nickie’s gifts and talents.
Thank God for the beautiful way that her gifts and talents bless Union.
Thank God for Nickie’s faithful service over the years.
Ask God to bless and encourage Nickie and her family as she continues serving here at Union.
Indeed, we are a blessed to have such a special person supporting Union’s life and ministry together in the church office. I hope you will take a chance to not only pray for Nickie this week but to also express your thanks and appreciation to her personally.
Thank you, Nickie! We love you!
The Prayerful Pause - April 20
My heart is still full after the wonderful experience we had together during Holy Week and Easter! The joy of Resurrection Sunday this year was so special after the last two years of pandemic Easter Celebrations. This week, let’s pause and thank God for the many blessings we have seen and experienced during Holy Week and Easter. Please join me in thanking God for:
The chance to welcome Thomas Peters as a new member! He will be baptized on Sunday, May 1! Praise God!
The amazing Easter Boxes that were shared with our neighbors in need; they were a beautiful outreach.
A meaningful Lenten Soup and Study that God used to draw us closer to Christ and one another.
A powerful Holy Week Prayer Experience that was well attended and meaningful.
A joyous Easter Egg Hunt filled with children and made possible by faithful volunteers and donations from the congregation.
A special Sunrise Service and a delicious breakfast prepared with love.
A glorious Easter Service at 11:00 AM that filled our hearts with joy.
The amazing way that the Union Family works together to accomplish ministry for the Glory of God! This is a huge praise point for me as your Pastor! Your service and teamwork is outstanding!
A great start to our Women’s Small Groups this week.
Indeed, we have much to be thankful for as God continues to work in us and through us each day! Please keep praying for Union during our 100 days of intentional and specific prayer for the church we love. God hears us when we pray and is already doing great things in our midst. Let’s continue asking God to guide us and use us to share His love in the world every day! Amen and Amen!
The Prayerful Pause - April 13
It’s Holy Week and we are remembering Jesus’ journey from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection. This week, we journey with Jesus from the shouts of “Hosanna” on Palm Sunday, to the Upper Room and the Garden on Thursday, to the horrific events of Good Friday, and to the joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Thankfully, even with the darkness of the terrible events of Good Friday, we know that Sunday is coming! We are Easter people, and even in the grief that we feel during Holy Week, we can hold fast to the promise that Easter will come once again.
Holy Week is rich and full at Union this year. I want to encourage you to participate as your schedule allows. We have our final soup and study on Wednesday evening at 5:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We have the hands-on Holy Week Prayer Experience that you can drop-in anytime on Thursday from 1-6 p.m. We have the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. On Easter Sunday, we will enjoy two worships services! The Sunrise Service will be at 6:45 a.m. in the cemetery with breakfast to follow. Later that morning, we will worship joyfully together at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. There are many opportunities to draw closer to Christ and to each other during Holy Week at Union. I hope you will find a way to plug in and invite others to participate too.
Yet, most of all during Holy Week this year, I want to encourage you to prayerfully pause each day and simply spend time with Jesus. Pause and talk with Jesus about all that He experienced from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday. Pause and dialogue with Jesus just as you would with a trusted friend. Pause and remember that Jesus loves us much more than we can ever begin to fully understand.
Finally, I am praying that as you walk through Holy Week, you will sense that Jesus is with you on the journey each day! May God grow you and guide you this week as you Journey with Jesus! Amen.