The Prayerful Pause - August 28

Partnership is important as we seek to follow Jesus. We are not called to walk the journey alone. Throughout the Bible, we see the power of partnership in our spiritual growth—just think about Moses and Aaron, Ruth and Naomi, or Paul and Silas. These relationships highlight the importance of having others with whom we can share our joys and concerns on the journey with Jesus. One of the ways we will seek to experience the power of partnering within the Union Family this year is through our Rooted in Christ Prayer Partners Initiative.
A prayer partner is more than just a friend; they are a fellow traveler on the path of faith, someone who stands with you in the gap, lifting you up in prayer when you are weak and rejoicing with you when prayers are answered. When we know someone is praying for us and with us, it reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that God has placed people in our lives to help bear our burdens. Paul says it this way in Galatians 6:2, Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Below, you will find information about the goals and the sign-up process for our Rooted in Christ Prayer Partner Initiative! I hope you will connect with a prayer partner this year and allow it to enlarge your faith and deepen your roots in Christ. 
What are the goals for Rooted in Christ Prayer Partners?

  • Growing deeper roots as a disciple of Jesus.

  • Greater awareness of the power of prayer.

  • Praying more often.

  • Learning different ways to pray together.

  • The opportunity to pray for someone else and have them pray for you.

  • A chance to pray with another person for the ministries of Union and our local and global ministry partners.

  • A chance to pray with another person about the things that weigh on your heart that impact people locally and globally. (Examples: poverty, homelessness, violence, wars, famine, disease, natural disasters, etc.)

What are some things that Prayer Partners can do together?

  • Share prayer requests with your prayer partner.

  • Decide how often to pray for each other, perhaps once a day after waking or before bed.

  • Consider praying for each other at the same time every day. (Set your alarm for a specific time; when it goes off, pray for each other.)

  • Get together before/after weekly worship, Bible study, or at another time during the week in person or on the phone to share in prayer together.

How to sign up?

Closing in prayer for you Union Family! I love you, and I love following Jesus with you!

The Prayerful Pause - August 21

A Prayer Walk Through Your Home

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, our homes are often our sanctuaries, places of rest, family, and connection. But what if we turned our homes into sacred spaces of prayer, where each room becomes a place to connect with God in a meaningful way? I invite you to take a prayer walk through your house this week, dedicating each space to a specific prayer focus. Let this be a spiritual exercise that not only blesses your home but also deepens your connection with God.

The Bedroom: Those who live with you
Begin your prayer journey in the bedrooms of your home. Pray for the people who sleep in each bedroom. Ask God to give each person peace and good rest at night. Ask God to strengthen their bodies and minds, refresh their souls, and fill their hearts with Jesus and his love. 

The Family Room/Living Room: Children, Parents, and Siblings 
In the family room, where connections and conversations happen, lift up your family in prayer. This could include your spouse, children, parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, extended family, or chosen family. Ask God to grow and guide them in his grace, drawing them close to Jesus daily. Pray for unity, love, and mutual respect to flourish in your family and for God's presence to be felt in your interactions.

In the family room, pray also for the Union Family. Lift up the whole church family and ask God to grant unity, wisdom, strength, guidance, deep roots in Christ, and good fruit in our ministry. Pray for the various ministries of the church and our community. Pray that our service, both within and beyond our walls, will be full of the love of Christ.

The Office: Finances, School, and Work
Move into the office or the place of work and study. Here, focus your prayers on your finances, work, and learning. Ask God to provide wisdom and discernment in managing your resources, to bless the work of your hands, and to guide you or your loved ones in educational or professional pursuits. Pray for integrity, diligence, and a spirit of excellence in all you do.

The Kitchen/Dining Room: Attitudes and Serving
In the kitchen or dining room, where meals are prepared and shared, pray that God will give you a heart of service. Ask God to cultivate a spirit of gratitude, humility, and generosity within you. Pray that your actions and words in serving others reflect Christ's love and compassion.

Storage Room, Closet, or Garage: Those Who Feel Isolated and Alone
Step into a storage room, closet, or garage and let it symbolize a place of loneliness and isolation. Pray for those who feel far away from God or from a church family. Ask God to draw them back to him and to reveal his love and grace to them in a new way.  Ask God to give you the courage to offer love and light to their lives.

The Hallways: Health
Finally, as you walk through the hallways connecting each room, pray for the health of your family, friends, church, and also for yourself. Ask God to bring healing to any physical, emotional, or mental needs within your family or church family. Pray for strength, resilience, and the grace to face each day with hope and trust in God’s goodness.

As you complete your prayer walk, remember that this is not just a one-time exercise but a practice you can incorporate into your daily or weekly routine. Turning your home into a place of continual prayer creates an environment where God's presence is welcomed into every aspect and every “room” of your daily life.

As you pray throughout your home, may you find peace, joy, and a deeper connection with the Lord. Amen.

The Prayerful Pause - August 14

Today, I want to pause and ask you to pray for our spiritual leaders at Union! Union’s current and previously serving Elders and Deacons are invited to participate in a workshop in the Fellowship Hall from 10-2 PM on Saturday, August 24. Our topic for the Retreat will be "Letting Christ Be the Source of Your Service." We have all heard that you have to put on your own oxygen mask before you can help others. In the same way, we need to be well-rooted in Christ to make an impact in His kingdom. As you pray for our Spiritual Leaders this week, please pray that this workshop will offer nourishment to them. Please pray that each one will abide in Christ, trusting him as their source for service.

This week, I also invite you to pray for all who serve in our life and ministry together no matter their role. Serving others is a beautiful gift, but it’s also hard work. We sometimes need encouragement to carry on and continue serving faithfully, especially when the work is daunting and difficult. Thankfully, the more our roots in Christ deepen, the more he becomes our source for service that sustains us and propels us forward together.
Below is a word of blessing for those who serve others by Kate Bowler that is particularly authentic and meaningful. I pray that these thoughtful words bless all who serve in the Body of Christ!
A Blessing for those who Serve Others*
So bless you all in these beautiful, terrible contradictions.
You who serve others,
knowing it comes at a steep cost.
That time you’ll never get back.
Those people who won’t ever be as grateful as you hope.
The paycheck or PTO or benefits that will never add up to enough.
May you be reminded
that maybe you were called for such a time as this.
To pour out your great, great gifts for the sake of the other.
To work toward this beautiful, terrible interdependence.
(Even if community is much easier in theory than in practice.)
And on the days where you feel
like your work is just a drop in the ocean.
Or you want to throw in the towel
Because you are far beyond burnout.
May joy and delight be yours, my dears,
and may it fuel the hard, beautiful work you do.
And hey, if you are just beginning a move toward service,
may you have the eyes to see the needs in front of you,
the places where your gifts and passions and resources
meet your community’s deep needs.
Or if you’re just starting to ask for help yourself, bless you.
May your courage be met with kindness.
You are all my favorite kinds of people and I love you. Bless you.

*A Blessings on All Who Serve by Kate Bowler. Inspired by her conversation with Angela Williams on the Everything Happens Podcast

The Prayerful Pause - August 7

It's the First Day of School in Oconee County, and other schools in our area have already started or will soon follow!
Today seems like a good time to let you in on a little secret about me. I absolutely love shopping for school supplies! There is nothing like a fresh bunch of sharpened pencils, a new set of colorful crayons, or the crisp click of a new three-ring binder. Yet, each year, as I shop for school supplies, I am reminded that some school supplies don't come from the store. Indeed, the most essential school supplies that students, teachers, and school staff need come from God! I am talking about school supplies like courage, patience, flexibility, kindness, perseverance, protection, and grace.
Our students, teachers, and school staff need our prayers. During August, let's unite in praying for them daily. Ask God to provide courage, patience, flexibility, kindness, perseverance, protection, and grace to all who learn and serve in schools. Let’s ask God to provide these important school supplies in abundance this year.
Speaking of school supplies, I was blown away by your generosity in supporting the Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) School Supply Drive, which aims to provide essential school supplies to children in need in our local area! The variety and amount of school supplies you shared were simply amazing. Thank you for stepping up and sharing the needed supplies with children in our local area.
This month, our CWF is collecting individually wrapped snacks for our county bus drivers. These snacks are a small token of our appreciation for the dedicated men and women who drive school buses in Oconee County, often working long hours to ensure our children's safety. I know these snacks will bring a smile to their faces. You can drop your individually wrapped snacks off in the Gathering Space any time this month.  
Finally, please join me in praying for our youth and children this August. Pray that God will continue to grow and guide each one to be rooted in Christ and his love. Over the last few years, we have been blessed to see considerable growth and energy in our Children’s Ministry. I sense that our kids are really taking Jesus' teaching to heart, which is thrilling to see! Our Sunday afternoon programming for children and youth begins this coming Sunday, with the kids coming at 3:00 PM and the youth at 4:00 PM. As we pray for our youth and children this month, let's ask God to guide this specific generation of the Union Family to share God's love with people in all the places they go each day! 
Thank you for being a praying church, a generous church, and a church that welcomes all of God's children to share in our life and ministry together! I love being your pastor!

The Prayerful Pause - July 31

It's hard to believe that August has arrived already. It seems like only yesterday that summer started. But even as the summer season is winding down and school bells are ringing again, many exciting things are on the horizon at Union.
I am thrilled to announce that our theme for the upcoming 2024-25 church year will be Rooted in Christ! In a world filled with distractions, my deepest hope is that, by deepening our roots in the Lord, we can center our lives and attention on Christ, seeking to make him our everything.
The Bible is full of images of being rooted, and one of my favorites is in Psalm 1. In this passage, a righteous person is compared to a tree planted by streams of water that yields fruit in due season and whose leaf does not wither. This image vividly portrays the nourishment that comes from being deeply rooted in the Lord. In our fast-paced world, it is easy to be swept away by the latest trends, pressure, and debates. But just as a tree finds stability and sustenance from the soil, we need to find our strength and nourishment in Christ each day. I especially love this passage from Colossians 2!
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness" (Colossians 2:6-7).
As we embark on our exploration of what it means to be Rooted in Christ this year, our August Sermon Series 'All in All' will delve into the concept of loving God with our entire being—heart, soul, mind, and strength. I am particularly eager to see what God has in store for us this month as we come together in worship!  
I am also excited that on Sunday, August 4, we will celebrate our Welcome Home Sunday, marking 172 years of ministry as a church! This special day is a time for us to come together as a church family, to welcome old and new friends, and to celebrate our long-standing commitment to serving our community together. Welcome Home Sunday is a great day to invite friends and neighbors to find a warm welcome at Union, even if they have never visited before! Many people have trouble finding an authentic community and a sense of home in today's fragmented world. Please pray that everyone will feel “at home” and experience God’s love and warmth of welcome at Union on August 4. We also look forward to sharing a delicious fellowship meal after worship that day and hope you will bring a covered dish for everyone to enjoy.
Another exciting aspect of worship on August 4 is our annual Blessing of the Backpacks! This event is a beautiful symbol of our commitment to supporting and praying for all students, teachers, and school staff, regardless of their age or role. During worship, we will offer a prayer of blessing for all students (preschool to graduate school), teachers, and school staff. We will also place a blessing tag on each school bag or backpack that morning as a reminder of the many prayers that go with those who learn and serve in our schools. This is a great time to invite students, teachers, and school staff to Union.
Here at the start of a new school year and a new church year, I am filled with anticipation to see all that God will do in and through us as we strive to deepen our roots in Christ! I am excited and I hope you are too!

The Prayerful Pause - July 17

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20

In our fast-paced world, filled with endless tasks and constant distractions, the simple act of being present with someone can seem insignificant. Yet, your presence is a ministry that can speak volumes about God’s love. The phrase "Ministry of Presence" is a concept that is widely used in pastoral care, chaplaincy, and various forms of ministry to describe the act of being present with someone in their time of need, without necessarily offering solutions or advice.
The Ministry of Presence is not about doing something grand or saying the perfect words. It’s simply about showing up and being present with someone in their time of need. It’s the silent comfort of a friend sitting beside you in a hospital room. It’s the understanding nod during a difficult conversation where a person feels truly seen and heard. It’s the shared laughter and tears in moments of joy and sorrow.

Jesus’ time on earth was all about the Ministry of Presence. He was present with people in their homes, at their tables, and in the synagogues. He walked with them on dusty roads, listened to their stories, and shared in their daily lives. His presence brought healing, comfort, and transformation.

All these years later, the Church is called to embody the presence of Christ, in both word and deed, and to be his hands and feet together! Together, we as the Church, are called to be present with people in their times of triumph and trial. We are called to the Ministry of Presence.

Think about the people in your life who need to experience God’s presence. Perhaps, it’s a friend going through a tough time, a family member facing illness, or a neighbor feeling lonely. The ministry of your presence can be a powerful ministry that speaks volumes about Christ’s love for that person.

This week, let’s seek to make an intentional effort to let our presence be a reminder that God is always present with us, pouring out his unconditional love and care.  Amen.

The Prayerful Pause - July 10

Throughout July, we are focusing on the Book of James at Union. It's our Bible Book of the Month and the focus of our July Sermon Series, Practical Faith. The Book of James is a concise guide and tool kit of practical wisdom for faith-filled living. James highlights the importance of following Jesus with a Practical Faith—a faith that goes beyond rhetoric and is active rather than passive.

James offers these jarring words in the opening chapter, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds..." This call to find joy in trials may seem paradoxical, but it's a profound truth. Each trial we face is an opportunity for growth and an opportunity for gaining wisdom from God.

Many who heard James' letter may have believed that trials were a punishment from God. Sadly, some still believe that today. Brothers and sisters, our trials are not from God or of God in any way, shape, or form. Scripture teaches that goodness comes from God, and God works all the ups and downs of life together for our ultimate good.

James further testifies to this truth, writing: "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." In the midst of life's uncertainties, we can find solace in the unchanging nature of God. His constant presence gives us comfort, assurance, and courage on the journey.

Yet, even still, we will face trials because we live in an imperfect world where we face difficult and daunting pathways on the journey. While these pathways are not from God, each one is a chance to learn more about God's sustaining goodness and ask for his wisdom. Remember that Jesus taught his disciples that, "in this world, you will have trouble, but I leave you my peace."

Yes, life will give us lumps and bumps along the way, but these struggles don't have to define us. We can walk through each trial with Jesus at our side, continually looking for how he wants to grow and enlarge our faith, wisdom, and understanding of him. James says it this way: "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” This promise reminds us that in our trials, God is ready to provide the wisdom we need to navigate through them with Jesus.

I pray that James' practical wisdom speaks to you this week! Choose joy in trials not because they are joyful in themselves but because they are opportunities for growth and wisdom. Let's seek to walk through life's storms with faith, knowing that Jesus will be with us through it all! Amen.

The Prayerful Pause - July 3

July is here, and summer is in full swing! This month, we celebrate freedom and also begin a new church year. I can't wait to see what God will do in and through us in 2024-25! I am so grateful that you are a serving church! You faithfully put your hands and hearts into our shared ministry! Today, please pause and ask God to guide our ministry forward in sharing Christ's love and welcoming all as Jesus welcomes us. Please also thank God for the faithful servants who have served as Elders, Deacons, Church Council Members, and on various Committees and Service Teams in 2023-24. Pray also for those who will serve in these roles in 2024-25.

This month, please also thank God for Kay Benton, who has faithfully served as our Church Custodian for many years. Kay is taking on a new cleaning role with the school system that will require more time, and she needs to step away from her work at Union. We will be sharing a parting love gift with Ms. Kay, but if you would like to share a card or personal note to express thanks and appreciation, please drop that off in the church office by July 8.

With Kay Benton's departure, the Personnel Committee is diligently working to fill the vacancy she leaves behind. However, in the interim, we will need the support of our church community. We are seeking volunteers to assist with various cleaning duties. We will pass the clipboard the next few Sundays, looking for volunteers who could spare a few hours to help in the coming days. Your help will ensure a smooth transition.

I also wanted to update you about our Cemetery Committee and Columbarium Phase 2 Committee. Please join me in welcoming Ken Clark as the new chairperson of the Cemetery Committee and saying thank you to  Julian Beckwith for his faithful service as the chairperson for many years. In the coming months, our Cemetery Committee will be working hard to determine what repairs and regular maintenance is needed. They will also be formulating a plan to accomplish this work together. If you are interested in more details or are curious about how you could help, please reach out to Ken Clark. Additionally, our Columbarium Phase 2 Committee, co-chaired by Hal Tatum and Angie Eades, has decided to pause while the Cemetery Committee tackles this vital work.

Finally, I wanted to express my most profound joy in welcoming Susan Hansford as an official member on the last Sunday in June! Susan has been an active participant at Union for a while now, and we are thrilled to have her join. We look forward to serving with Susan and are excited about our future together!

Church, I love you, and I love being your Pastor!  May God continue to draw us closer to Jesus and use us well to share his love.

The Prayerful Pause - June 26

A remarkable little event unfolded late this spring and early summer right on the front door of Union Christian Church. A diligent mama bird chose one of the wreaths on the front door as the perfect spot to build her nest. Soon, tiny eggs appeared, delicately cradled in the nest she had so lovingly prepared. The eggs appeared only days before VBS, and we all worried that they would not make it with so many people coming and going in and out of the front door that week.
Yet, as the eggs hatched into chirping baby birds the following week, our congregation faced another significant challenge. Our front door, a portal of welcome and community, now served as a sanctuary for these baby birds. You continued to adapt quietly and thoughtfully, ensuring our comings and goings did not disturb the new family on our doorstep. You worked hard to approach the door gently, aware of the fragile baby birds sheltering in the wreath.
Watching all of this unfold reminded me that just as God’s eyes are on the tiny baby birds in that nest, God’s eyes are also on each one of us. Indeed, the same God who watches over the sparrows is attentive to all the struggles and joys in our daily lives. God values each of us more than we can ever comprehend. Additionally, while we moved with great care to protect the baby birds, God, even more so, moves through our lives with gentleness and grace, protecting and guiding us with his loving hand. God's love and tender care invites us to a deeper trust and faith in the One whose eye is on the sparrow!
As your pastor, I was also grateful to see how you worked toward protecting these little birdies as you entered and exited the church doors. It made me thankful to be part of a church that seeks to care for God's creation with love and respect. As I continued to walk in and out of the front door, I prayed quietly, “God, thank you that Union is working together to welcome baby birds so well! Please use us even more to welcome people who need a place to grow and develop in Christ!”
As we continue to walk through the doors of Union Christian Church, let us remember the lesson of the mama bird and babies: In God’s kingdom, no creature is too small, no person is insignificant, and no act of welcome is ever wasted. Thanks be to God, for the birds and for the good people of Union Christian Church! Amen!

The Prayerful Pause - June 19

Recently I’ve been thinking about the importance of praying for others. Sometimes we tell others we will pray for them but then struggle to follow through and actually pray for them. Thankfully, the Spirit intercedes on our behalf in groans too deep for words, when we fall short in our prayers. Even so, this summer when things are a little slower and less hectic, I want to encourage us to pause and spend intentional time praying for others.
Our dear friend Tom Cook took prayer seriously.  Even in his later years, he made a special effort to pray for each person on our Union prayer list every week. He would divide up the names on the prayer list and pray for several people each day until he had prayed through the entire list by the end of the week. Such a remarkable ministry of prayer was a gift to those in need and a gift that God used to grow Tom’s relationship with Christ. I am so thankful for the legacy of faithful prayer that Tom offered, and I know we miss him in our life together. One of the best ways we can honor his legacy is to take praying for others as seriously as he did.
Like many churches, Union has a full church prayer list. Yet, I want to encourage us to remember that our prayer list is far more than a list of names. It’s a list full of actual people, with both joys and concerns. It’s a list full of people who have challenges and hardships in life. It’s a list full of people in need of God’s love, grace, and peace each day.  It’s a list we should take seriously, because it's a list full of people who God loves.
At the end of today’s midweek, we have printed our entire prayer list to encourage us all to spend some time praying for these dear ones. Maybe try Tom’s strategy of dividing up the names and praying for several folks each day until you’ve prayed through the whole list!
As you pray this week, please also take a moment to share any recent updates you have about friends or family members on our list with us by emailing This helps us know how to pray for each person more specifically. Sometimes, we may not know all the details as we pray, but we can trust that God does and hears our humble prayers for those in need. I’ve always found comfort in Paul’s words in Philippians 4:6 - "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"
Thank you for being a praying church! It means so much to Union and to those we seek to uphold in prayer together!

The Prayerful Pause - June 12

Each of us is an integral part of the Body of Christ, and we each have various gifts, talents, and passions that God has given us for service and ministry together. The Apostle Paul's words to the Church at Corinth remind us, "You are the Body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it” (1 Cor. 12:27). Indeed, we need each other in our life and ministry together!
A great way to get plugged in and use some of the gifts God has given you is to serve on one of Union’s Service Teams! Below are some short descriptions of our Service Teams. If you are interested in serving on a team, please take a moment to sign up as the clipboard is passed over the next several weeks. We are looking for more volunteers for each team. I would love to see a mixture of ages serving on these teams together. That way, team members can share knowledge, skills, and new ideas across the various generations of the church. This type of intergenerational approach will help us keep our shared ministry vital and strong for years to come.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information if you have any questions about Union’s Service Teams. I am thankful that we are a serving church! Here are our Service Teams for 2024-2025:
Worship Leader Team- Lead the Call to Worship, offer the Invocation, and read the Opening Scripture during morning worship.
Children’s Church Teacher- Teach a Bible lesson to our preschool and elementary-aged children. A lesson plan with fun activities will be provided.
Children’s Ministry Assistants- Assist the lead teacher or childcare provider as needed on Sunday in children's church or the nursery.
Children’s Chat Team- Share a Bible story or object lesson with our children during morning worship.
Greeter Team- Welcome guests and members to Union in a warm and friendly way.
Sanctuary Prep Team- Prepare the Sanctuary and Communion Table for morning worship.
Hospitality Team- Help provide food and hospitality during times of illness, bereavement, or for special events.
Maintenance Team- Troubleshoot and work with a team to tackle the maintenance and repair needs of the church building and grounds.
Safety and Security Team- Secure and monitor the church building and parking lot on Sunday mornings.
I am thankful for each of you and the many ways we can serve together as the Body of Christ!

The Prayerful Pause - June 5

Vacation Bible School is in full swing, and we are having a great time! Check out the pictures below of our children, volunteers, and camp mascot, Lumen. Continue to pray for all our children and volunteers; ask God to bless them and grow each one in his grace. 

The Prayerful Pause - May 29

Vacation Bible School is just five days away, and the anticipation for Camp Firelight is building! We are thrilled to have a wonderful group of children and volunteers participating, and we are grateful for the generous friends who have stepped up to share supplies and donations. Without your support, VBS would not be possible!

As we prepare Camp Firelight, I've been reflecting on how the light of a campfire represents safety and guidance for the campers. Imagine sitting around a campfire on your first night at an unfamiliar campground with a group of fellow campers you don't know all that well, yet. You're homesick, and the night is dark and full of unusual sounds. You wonder if any critters may try to raid your food supply or if a thunderstorm will make sleeping in a tent a miserable and soggy experience. Camping in a new place for the first time can be a little frightening. But when you look into a campfire's warm glow, suddenly the unfamiliar darkness doesn't feel so overwhelming. The light from the campfire dispels the shadows and brings a comforting presence.

Likewise, when we feel unsure and afraid on the journey of faith, God dispels the shadows and offers us the guiding light of his comforting presence. We might be scared of trying something new or worried about taking a big leap of faith to follow God into uncharted territory. We may be dealing with a difficult challenge and need some light to see how to navigate the trail up ahead. We may be stuck and unable to move forward, afraid of taking a wrong turn that would cause us to lose our way. In moments of fear and uncertainty, our theme verse for this year's VBS speaks clearly: "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you" (Psalm 56:3). Indeed, we can trust God to disperse the shadows and light the way, providing the safety and guidance of his love.

During VBS week, the children will learn about how God offered the guiding light of his presence to people like Jacob, Ruth, and the disciples in uncertain and frightening times. These Bible stories remind us that when we are unsure and afraid, God is always there to light the way and strengthen us. That's a great reminder, not just for our VBS children, but for all God's children, no matter our age or stage!

This year, let us unite in prayer for the children who will be part of VBS. May they trust in Jesus to provide love, guidance, and the light of life. Let's also pray for our volunteers, that they may be filled with strength and wisdom as they share the Good News of Jesus’ love. Finally, in all the ups and downs of life, may we, as a church, continue to trust in God's guiding light, even in the shadows of challenge or uncertainty. May Psalm 56:3 be our heartfelt prayer and proclamation, 'When I am afraid, I put my trust in you!'

The Prayerful Pause - May 15

This Sunday, we will joyfully observe Pentecost Sunday, a time to commemorate the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit and celebrate the Church's birthday. The color red is used on this special day to remind us that the Spirit arrived with not only a powerful, rushing wind but also with fiery tongues that rested on those gathered together. This miraculous event enabled the people to speak and understand a multitude of languages as the Spirit was poured out on all flesh!
To honor this significant day, we encourage everyone to wear red to our Sunday service!
During our opening hymn, we'll also be waving red streamers, a vibrant reminder of the Holy Spirit's presence and power.
Below, you can find a little more insight about the significance of Pentecost. I encourage you to spend some time in prayer this week, asking God's Spirit to lead us forward together in our shared ministry as Union Christian Church.
Pentecost's Historical Significance
Originally, Pentecost was a pivotal celebration for the Jewish community, marking the early wheat harvest 50 days post-Passover. Devout Jews from various regions would journey to the Temple to present their finest wheat as a thank offering to God. This celebration, also known as the Feast of Weeks, served as a time to commemorate the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai as well.
What does the Pentecost in Acts 2 mean for us today?
For Christians, the Pentecost described in Acts 2 is extraordinarily unique. The diverse crowd was amazed to hear and understand multiple languages, leading them to question, "What does this mean?" This question remains relevant as we prepare to celebrate Pentecost all these years later. What does it mean for us to be the Church together, sustained, empowered, and united by the Holy Spirit?
Here are a few reflections on what the Spirit means to me. I would love to hear the reflections that God puts on your hearts and minds as you think about the gift of the Holy Spirit this week!
The Sustaining Spirit: The Holy Spirit continuously sustains and guides us for our shared life and ministry as the Church.
Our Advocate: The Spirit prays for us and advocates for us even when we are at a loss for words. The Spirit comforts us when we are in distress.
Empowered Ministry: The Spirit enhances and empowers our individual and collective efforts as the Church to share God’s love with others in both word and deed.
Unity in Diversity: Through the Holy Spirit, we, as God's people, can discover unity even amidst our diversity when we remember that the Spirit was poured out on all flesh. All of us are needed in the Church; each of us has a unique and wonderful gift to share in life together.
Yes, the Holy Spirit is a powerful and precious gift! May Union Christian Church be attentive to the Spirit's dynamic leadership in our life and ministry together, not just at Pentecost but always.

The Prayerful Pause - May 8

This Sunday, May 11, is Mother's Day! Let’s pause and thank God for all who mother us and pray for them as well. Here are a few prayer points to guide our prayer.

  • Thank God for the mothers who raised us and also for all the women who have mothered us over the years in one way or another.

  • Thank God for those who mothered us in the home and for those who mothered us in the faith.

  • Thank God for all the women who have mothered us, nurtured us, taught us, prayed for us, encouraged us, and given us wise counsel and guidance.

  • Pray for those who long to be mothers and for those who grieve the loss or absence of children.

  • Pray for those who are missing mothers who have passed away or who are absent.

  • Pray for those who may be estranged from their mother. Ask God to bring healing, hope, and reconciliation.

  • Pray that God will provide wisdom, encouragement, and strength to all the women who mother others daily.

  • Union is filled with mighty women who mother others in such amazing ways! Thank God for all who mother in the Family of God.

Indeed, God has used and continues to use women to love, nurture, and guide us. Thanks be to God for the mothering care of the mighty women in our lives. Amen.

The Prayerful Pause - April 3

Thank you for caring for our family as we prepare for my upcoming surgery. You all are wonderful people, and you continually encourage us with Christ's love even in difficult times. My surgery will take place on April 4, and I will be taking some time off to recuperate after the surgery until April 26.
While I am recovering, many folks are stepping in to help cover my preaching, teaching, and pastoral care responsibilities. Below is a guide to help you know what to expect while I am away.
Sunday, April 7

  • Teaching Sunday School - Jonathan Byrd

  • Preaching - Rev. Parrish Myers

  • Communion - Alan Hickerson 

Sunday, April 14

  • Teaching Sunday School - Jonathan Byrd

  • Preaching - Rev. David Webb

  • Communion - Rev. David Webb 

Sunday, April 21

  • Teaching Sunday School - Jonathan Byrd

  • Preaching - Rev. Hoyt Huff

  • Communion - Alan Hickerson

Here are a few other notes for the month of April:

  • For Pastoral Care needs or emergencies, please contact Pasty Orr, our Elder Chairperson, so that one of our Elders can reach out to you.

  • For any other church needs, please contact Patti Clark, our Church Council Chairperson.

  • Our Spring Bible Studies will not take place as we originally planned. We will finish our Psalms Study next Fall.

  • For any questions about GriefShare, please contact Mimi Benkoski, Amy Pritchett, Nan Deal, or Kay Smith.

  • We made a few other changes to the April church calendar. The most up-to-date calendar is at We will continue publishing calendar updates in upcoming Bulletins and Midweek emails.

  • This month, Holly will begin recruiting volunteers for our VBS in June! I hope you will prayerfully consider how God can use your gifts, talents, and skills for VBS this year! Please let Holly know if you are interested in serving.

Thank you again for your prayers and support! I love you, Union Family, and I love being your pastor. May God continue to grow and guide us forward together!

The Prayerful Pause - March 20

I am looking forward to this Sunday! It is Palm Sunday, and we will remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We will remember that the crowds welcomed Jesus by waving palm branches and shouting, "Hosanna." We will remember that Jesus entered the city most unexpectedly, riding on the back of a humble donkey. We will remember that those welcoming cheers of Hosanna soon turned to jeers, sneers, and angry voices shouting, "crucify him."
As we prepare our hearts for Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week, let's prayerfully pause and remember that Jesus, our King, comes to us daily as we experience ups and downs on the road of life. In times of joy, celebration, sorrow, challenge, or peace, Jesus, our King, comes to us and is with us on the journey every day! May we welcome his presence and rejoice!
Palm Sunday also begins Holy Week, the week that we journey with Jesus from the shouts of “Hosanna” on Palm Sunday, to the Upper Room and the Garden on Thursday, to the horrific events of Good Friday, and to the joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Below, you can find a complete calendar of our services during Holy Week. Please invite someone you know to come and worship with you during Holy Week!
This year, I am especially excited that we will gather with other Disciples for worship twice during Holy Week! On Maundy Thursday, Union will gather with our brothers and sisters from First Christian Athens and Bogart Christian for a combined Communion Service at First Christian of Athens at 6:30 PM. A carpool will leave from Union at 5:40 PM that afternoon, with several of our Elders driving.
On Easter Morning, our brothers and sisters from Watkinsville First Christian will join us at Union for our Easter Sunrise Service, which begins at front of the church at 7:00 AM. After the Sunrise Service, we will gather for a potluck breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. Biscuits will be provided, and you are encouraged to bring an easy breakfast side dish to share.  
As we prepare for Holy Week, please pray that God will draw us and others in the wider community closer to Jesus. I look forward to experiencing Holy Week with you as we remember Jesus' life, death, and resurrection together! 

The Prayerful Pause - February 21

This week, I am really looking forward to the start of our annual Lenten Soup and Study taking place over the next five Wednesday evenings. Each week, we will enjoy some delicious soup and desserts at 5:30 PM and then spend time feasting on God’s word together until 7:00 PM.
During the sessions, we will use our Bibles and draw insights from a daily devotional book by Taylor Mills. His devotions will guide us through a series of heart-sharping lessons for Lent. During our time together, we will explore the qualities and characteristics of Christian discipleship that lead us to claim Jesus as our highest priority. Below is an outline of the topics we will cover each week. If you want to read Toward the Cross along with us during Lent, you can purchase a book at any ­­­­­­­­­­­online retailer.

  • Chapter 1- A Humble Heart- 2/21/24

  • Chapter 2- A Committed Heart- 2/28/24

  • Chapter 3- A Gracious Heart- 3/6/24

  • Chapter 4- A Heart for Seekers-3/13/24

  • Chapters 5 and 6- A Purposeful Heart and A Heart of Extravagant Love- 3/20/24

  • Chapter 7- A Joyful Heart- Easter (On your own) 

My prayer for us during Lent is that God will mold and shape our hearts, our minds, and our spirits as we seek to follow Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life!

The Prayerful Pause - February 14

Today is Ash Wednesday, and our Lenten journey begins in earnest. Please join us this evening for our Valentine’s “Breakfast for Dinner" Potluck at 5:30 PM, followed by our Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 PM, as we remember our deep need for Jesus.
During our Lenten Journey, we will remember Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness just after his baptism and before the start of his public ministry. During Lent, we walk with Jesus in the wilderness, trusting that God is with us daily in hard places and spaces of life.
Lent is sometimes considered a heavy season, as we remember the 40 difficult days Jesus spent in the wilderness. However, Lent is also a time of joyful growth. Indeed, God grows and stretches us as only He can, and it's joyous to see what God can do when we are open to growth.
I think it is interesting that the word Lent comes from the old English word for "lengthen." Lent is a season of the church year that takes place just as the days are becoming longer. I wonder, what does God want to grow and "lengthen" in us during Lent? Maybe God wants to "lengthen" the amount of time we spend in daily prayer or study. Perhaps, God wants to grow and "lengthen" the impact of our shared ministry together. Maybe God wants to "lengthen" our understanding of grace so that we can receive it and extend it more freely.
No matter what God wants to "lengthen" in us as individuals or as a church family this Lenten season, God's growth is always rooted in love and exactly what we need. May God continually grow our understanding of how wide, long, high, and deep his love is through his son, Christ Jesus!

The Prayerful Pause - February 7

Union Christian Church is a caring community! That's the way our mission statement starts, and it's something we seek to live out within and beyond our walls. This month, we have several ways to share God’s love and care with those in need. I hope you will take some time to prayerfully consider how the Lord can use you this month as we seek to care for others in Jesus' name!
This Sunday, our youth will participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring. They will collect donations for the Oconee Area Resource Council’s (OARC) Food for Kids Program following worship and our called Congregational Meeting. Please prayerfully consider taking part in this special collection. Please also pause and pray for the children and families who receive food from OARC's Food for Kids Program.
Throughout February, we have several opportunities to support Family Promise as they seek to help families in crisis situations achieve sustainable independence. The La Table signature fundraiser was held yesterday and was a great success! As your pastor, I was so proud of how Union contributed and helped raise funds to support such a great cause.
Our Christian Women’s Fellowship will also collect supplies for Family Promise this month. The most needed items include Walmart Gift Cards, Kroger Gift Cards, new sheet sets (all sizes), new pillows, paper towels, toilet paper, body wash, lotion, shampoo, dish soap, laundry detergent, and dryer sheets. You can bring items to the Gathering Space any time this month. Please pray for Family Promise as they are transitioning to a new hosting model in 2024. Union’s first host week this year will be February 18-25. If you are interested in volunteering with Family Promise, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our coordinators, Patti Clark and Kelly Hansford!  
This month, Union also has the opportunity to support the ministry of Area Churches Together Serving (ACTS). ACTS provides food and clothing to our neighbors in need. In addition to prayer support, Union donates regularly to ACTS and also sends weekly volunteers to serve onsite. As a church, we staff the center every other month on the fourth Friday of the month. Union will volunteer again on Friday, February 23. If you are interested in serving that Friday, please meet at ACTS (130 East Thompson St., Bogart, 30622) at 9:00 AM. Contact Julian Beckwith, if you have any questions about serving with ACTS. This month, our Community Prayer Emphasis is ACTS. Please pray for all the clients and volunteers involved with ACTS.
Finally, our GriefShare Ministry will begin again this month as well. If you or someone you know is grieving the death of a family member or friend, we invite you to join our GriefShare Support Group. This group will meet once a week for 13 weeks beginning Thursday, February 29, at 1:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall, and the group is open to any adults grieving in the community. We would love your help providing snacks for our weekly meetings, and we will pass the clipboard in church so you can sign up. Please pray that the deep peace of Christ will surround all those leading and participating in GriefShare.
I thank God that Union Christian Church is a caring community! May God continue to use us together to reflect his love and care both within and beyond our walls!