Church life is often exciting and full of fun. Yet, at times, we must also attend to the nuts and bolts of our life together to keep us moving forward. This week, I want to share about the important work of two of the Union's Short-Term Committees appointed and tasked with special projects by the Church Council.
The Columbarium Committee:
Thank you for your participation in the Columbarium Survey last fall. The results were presented to the Church Council at their November meeting, and the Council decided to appoint a Phase II Columbarium Committee. This Phase II Committee will work to develop a concept design and cost estimate for a Union Church Columbarium, which, upon development, will be presented to the
Council and Congregation for consideration and approval. At their January meeting, the Church Council approved Patti Clark’s recommendation as Chairperson to appoint the following people to the Phase II Columbarium Committee: Angie Eades and Hal Tatum, Co-Chairs, Julia Beckwith, Ken Clark, Eric Sherrer, and Sharon Tatum.
Please be in prayer for the Columbarium Phase II committee as they undertake their work in 2024, and please reach out to them with any ideas, suggestions, or feedback you have as well.
Bylaw Review Committee:
Just as the Columbarium Phase II Committee begins its work, our Bylaw Review Committee seeks to finish its work. The Bylaw Review Committee, appointed by the Church Council in the fall of 2022, has worked diligently over the last 18 months to revise Union’s Constitution and Bylaws from 2012. For any church to stay agile in doing ministry together, a review of the documents that govern the church must be evaluated and revised from time to time.
This Bylaw Committee has spent countless hours working on this project together, and we give thanks to God for the way that they sought to include the whole church in this process. To inform their work, the Committee collected feedback from the Elders, Deacons, Congregation, Church Staff, and twice from the Church Council as they evaluated and revised the document. As they worked, they made edits that clarified language and reflected the church's current practices. Below is a summary of the Committee's proposed revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws.
A Table of Contents was added to make the document more user-friendly.
The Article on Membership was updated to reflect current practices.
The duties of the Administrative Officers were updated to match current practices.
An Article on Committees and Service Teams was added. This Article includes a description of Union's Standing Committees, outlining their work and detailing how they nominate new members or a new Committee Chairperson to the Church Council for final approval. Information about Union’s Short-Term Committees was clarified, and a description of Union’s Service Teams was also included in this Article.
A section on Staff Ministers, Support Staff, and Personnel was added to clarify details related to the hiring, supervision, and evaluation of those who serve in these roles.
An Article outlining the importance of Christian Stewardship to the overall life and ministry of the church was added.
Language was added to authorize the Church Council to conduct votes electronically as the Chairperson sees fit, as long as a quorum of 2/3 of the Council participates in the vote.
The duties of the Elders and Deacons were updated to match current practice. The Elders were also given the responsibility of handling any situations involving nepotism in the church.
This Church Council approved these changes at their January meeting and is now sending the document to the Congregation for consideration and action at a called Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 11, 2024, after morning worship. Before this important meeting, please prayerfully read and reflect on the proposed Constitution and Bylaws. Copies are available in the Gathering Space or online (see link below). If you have any questions, please get in touch with any of these Committee members: Julian Beckwith, Angie Eades, Rose Mary Martin, or David Webb, Chairperson.
Indeed, attending to the nuts and bolts of our life together in open and transparent way is a marker of a healthy and active church. We It is also a hallmark of our congregational polity in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I am thankful to be the church together with you and so grateful to be your pastor!