The Prayerful Pause - January 31

Church life is often exciting and full of fun. Yet, at times, we must also attend to the nuts and bolts of our life together to keep us moving forward. This week, I want to share about the important work of two of the Union's Short-Term Committees appointed and tasked with special projects by the Church Council.
The Columbarium Committee:
Thank you for your participation in the Columbarium Survey last fall. The results were presented to the Church Council at their November meeting, and the Council decided to appoint a Phase II Columbarium Committee. This Phase II Committee will work to develop a concept design and cost estimate for a Union Church Columbarium, which, upon development, will be presented to the
Council and Congregation for consideration and approval. At their January meeting, the Church Council approved Patti Clark’s recommendation as Chairperson to appoint the following people to the Phase II Columbarium Committee:  Angie Eades and Hal Tatum, Co-Chairs, Julia Beckwith, Ken Clark, Eric Sherrer, and Sharon Tatum.
Please be in prayer for the Columbarium Phase II committee as they undertake their work in 2024, and please reach out to them with any ideas, suggestions, or feedback you have as well.
Bylaw Review Committee:
Just as the Columbarium Phase II Committee begins its work, our Bylaw Review Committee seeks to finish its work. The Bylaw Review Committee, appointed by the Church Council in the fall of 2022, has worked diligently over the last 18 months to revise Union’s Constitution and Bylaws from 2012. For any church to stay agile in doing ministry together, a review of the documents that govern the church must be evaluated and revised from time to time. 
This Bylaw Committee has spent countless hours working on this project together, and we give thanks to God for the way that they sought to include the whole church in this process. To inform their work, the Committee collected feedback from the Elders, Deacons, Congregation, Church Staff, and twice from the Church Council as they evaluated and revised the document. As they worked, they made edits that clarified language and reflected the church's current practices. Below is a summary of the Committee's proposed revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws.

  • A Table of Contents was added to make the document more user-friendly.

  • The Article on Membership was updated to reflect current practices.

  • The duties of the Administrative Officers were updated to match current practices.

  • An Article on Committees and Service Teams was added. This Article includes a description of Union's Standing Committees, outlining their work and detailing how they nominate new members or a new Committee Chairperson to the Church Council for final approval. Information about Union’s Short-Term Committees was clarified, and a description of Union’s Service Teams was also included in this Article.

  • A section on Staff Ministers, Support Staff, and Personnel was added to clarify details related to the hiring, supervision, and evaluation of those who serve in these roles.

  • An Article outlining the importance of Christian Stewardship to the overall life and ministry of the church was added.

  • Language was added to authorize the Church Council to conduct votes electronically as the Chairperson sees fit, as long as a quorum of 2/3 of the Council participates in the vote.

  • The duties of the Elders and Deacons were updated to match current practice. The Elders were also given the responsibility of handling any situations involving nepotism in the church.   

This Church Council approved these changes at their January meeting and is now sending the document to the Congregation for consideration and action at a called Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 11, 2024, after morning worship. Before this important meeting, please prayerfully read and reflect on the proposed Constitution and Bylaws. Copies are available in the Gathering Space or online (see link below). If you have any questions, please get in touch with any of these Committee members: Julian Beckwith, Angie Eades, Rose Mary Martin, or David Webb, Chairperson.
Indeed, attending to the nuts and bolts of our life together in open and transparent way is a marker of a healthy and active church. We It is also a hallmark of our congregational polity in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I am thankful to be the church together with you and so grateful to be your pastor!

The Prayerful Pause - January 24

I have always loved to sing! As a child, I would make up new songs about everything under the sun, usually while coloring or playing with my dolls. As a grown-up, I feel more hesitant to make up new songs and share them publicly. Yet, in the Psalms, we are repeatedly encouraged to sing new songs to God.

  • Psalm 96:1 implores us: “Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth."

  • Psalm 40:3 reminds us: “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.”

  • Psalm 33:3 beckons us: "Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy."

So, this week, I am going to step outside of my comfort zone and offer a new song that I wrote as an adult. I first penned the lyrics below in 2010 for David’s ordination service to be sung to the tune of Amazing Grace. I recently found a copy of my "new song," and I remembered how I worried that it would miss the mark and fall flat on David’s special day. But now, when I read or sing the words, I remember that it takes courage to sing a new song! It takes courage to follow Jesus outside our comfort zones and try something new! It takes courage to sing a new song and follow Jesus as he leads us forward together in ministry!
Friends, just as Jesus called ordinary fishermen on the new adventure of discipleship and ministry, God continually calls us individually and collectively to new opportunities for discipleship and ministry that we may never have imagined.
Will we take a risk and follow his lead, singing new love songs to God, to each other, and to those who need to know that God loves them beyond measure? I pray we will always open our hearts, our minds, and our lives to the One who says, “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people." Amen.

O Jesus, You Are Calling Us
Sung to the Tune of Amazing Grace
O Jesus, you are calling us, 
We've heard your voice 'tis true.
Teach us to cast aside our nets,
And always follow you.
O Jesus, you are teaching us,
Please show us how to love.
Teach us to love the poor and weak,
And tell of God above.
O Jesus, you are loving us,
Please help us love you too.
Teach us to tell of your great love,
In all, we say and do.
O Jesus, you are guiding us, 
To give our lives for you.
Teach us to shine for you alone,
While here or far from home.
O Jesus, you are showing us,
That we must preach the cross.
Teach us to sing that Gospel song,
No matter what the cost!

January 17 - The Prayerful Pause

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  Psalm 46:10
I love the Book of Psalms! Every human emotion and struggle is recorded there in honest conversations with God. We find countless reminders of God’s continual presence in the Psalms as well. It’s truly a book that we can use in our day-to-day lives. This year, I am taking up the challenge to read and pray through a Psalm each day, and I hope you will too.
This week, I wanted to highlight a word that is found in the Psalms after some sections and verses in the right margin. It’s the word Sehlah, which means "pause" or "interlude." The word Sehlah signifies a musical pause or a moment to reflect on what has been said or sung. In our lives, we need these Sehlah moments too, don’t we?  We need pauses that allow us to catch our breath, reflect on our journey, and most importantly, to connect with God.
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, amidst the noise of responsibilities, expectations, and deadlines, there is a call to embrace Sehlah moments – moments of intentional pause, moments of stillness in the presence of our God.  As you take time to be still with God this week and pause, I invite you to pray some verses from the Psalms as you talk with God, openly and honestly. Here are a few suggestions of verses from the Psalms that can use as you pray.
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. Psalm 42:1
How lovely is your dwelling-place, Lord Almighty! 2 My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Psalm 84:1
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

The Prayerful Pause - January 10

Many folks make New Year's resolutions each January. You may want to eat a bit healthier or be more intentional about spending time with your family this year. You may want to exercise a little more or finally clean out all your closets and donate some things you don't need to charity this year. New Year’s Resolutions can sometimes be a really good thing, but if we are honest with ourselves, we often abandon our resolutions by the time February rolls around.
So, this year, instead of making a resolution, I want to invite you to prayerfully ask God some visioning questions for 2024 as you pray during January. Below are 10 suggested questions to ask God this month. As you pray, seek to listen and discover the new things he wants to do in and through you and us together in 2024.

  • Oh Lord, how do you want to grow me in grace, wisdom, or service this year?

  • How do you want to enrich my life through Bible Study, fellowship, or worship this year?

  • How do you want to grow my prayer life and draw me closer to you?

  • How do you want to use me this year to share love and encouragement with those who need it most?

  • What do you want me to subtract or add this year so that I might focus more on you?

  • What do you want to teach me this year?

  • What do you want me to share with others this year?

  • What are your dreams for me? For my family? 

  • What are your dreams for Union Christian Church?

  • What are your dreams for our community, and how might you want to use me and the Union Family to make those dreams a reality this year? 

Right from the start of this year, may we focus on how God works in our lives instead of what we can accomplish on our own. God is always doing something new, and we are invited to catch a glimpse of it daily as we seek his face in prayer.
Indeed, may God give us eyes to see and hearts that embrace the new things he wants to do in us, through us, and in our midst in 2024! I look forward to seeing all the ways God will grow and guide us this year!

The Prayerful Pause - December 20

My heart is full this Advent! It’s been a joy to journey toward the manger with you, Union family!
As we continue to prepare our hearts for Christmas this week, let's focus our attention on the gift that Jesus is for all people. Jesus fills our hearts with hope, peace, joy, and love during December and every day of the year! What will we do with the gift of Jesus this Christmas? May we celebrate and savor the Advent of Christ in our own hearts but also continue to share the gift of Jesus with others in both word and deed this Christmas.
I also encourage you to connect with Christ in worship this week. We have three upcoming services, and each will be a unique opportunity for you to reflect on the gift of Jesus.
We will hold our Blue Christmas Service tonight, Wednesday, December 20, at 6:00 PM. Some are carrying the heaviness of grief and are feeling blue during this season. Union’s Blue Christmas Service will offer a quiet and reflective time of worship that acknowledges the heaviness of grief and loss while also pointing to the hope that Jesus gives. After the service, we will have some light snacks in the Fellowship Hall for those who wish to linger and experience the warmth and love of Union's caring community. 
Since Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year, we have two chances to worship together on December 24!
At 11:00 AM, we will gather for a joyous, family-friendly service with all ages of the Union family, from the youngest to the oldest. Our children and those young at heart are welcome to join us for worship wearing your Christmas PJs if you like! Please note that Sunday School will not meet on Christmas Eve morning.
Our Candlelight Christmas Eve Service will take place at 5:00 PM on December 24. Come and share in the joy of Christmas as we light the Christ Candle, share communion together, and celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Finally, please take a moment this week to invite a friend or neighbor to worship with you this Christmas. Personal invitations mean so much, and they are also a great way to encourage others to connect with Christ and a caring church family.
May God bless you and your family this Christmas and continue to fill your hearts with the joy of Jesus!

The Prayerful Pause - December 13

Can you believe it? Christmas is almost here! In just 12 more days, we will celebrate Jesus' birth once again! Even as we await Jesus' arrival, we have several opportunities coming up this week to prepare our hearts for Christmas. I hope you will join us and invite others too.
On Saturday, we are participating in Wreaths Across America by laying Christmas wreaths on the graves of the 46 veterans buried in Union's cemetery. Volunteers are needed to help with this effort. We will gather on Saturday at 1:00 PM in the cemetery for this unique time of remembrance. 
This Saturday evening from 3-5 PM, you are also invited to a Christmas Open House at our home (3147 Meadow Springs Drive). We will have fantastic finger foods and warm fellowship together. Jyoti is also excited to show you all her Christmas decorations! You don't need to bring anything to the party, and you are most welcome to invite a friend or neighbor, too.
This Sunday, we have another tremendous opportunity to worship God and enjoy the music of the season. Our choir has been practicing hard and will lead us in worship this Sunday, sharing several anthems and readings during the service. Our music ministry blesses us at Union, and we are thankful for the faithful service of JR, Gina, the Choir, and our Worship Band. Please take a moment to invite a friend or neighbor to join us for our special music service this Sunday.
Finally, as we continue to prepare our hearts for Christmas, I want to encourage each of us to be intentional about pressing the pause button during this busy time of year by spending time with God each day. We can spend time with God anywhere, praying, reading Scripture, listening to music, or reflecting on God's goodness in silence. As we prepare for the coming of Christ, I am praying that we will be even more intentional about abiding in Christ each day. For when we abide in Christ, God fills us with the love of Christ and helps us share that love with others, too. May the hope, peace, joy, and love of Jesus dwell with you richly today and always.

The Prayerful Pause - December 6

I love the season of Advent! The word Advent means "coming," and it's a season of preparation and waiting where we anticipate the coming of Christ. But Advent is more than just a countdown to Christmas that we fast forward through, hoping to get on to the big day and the big celebration of Christmas. Advent is a season of waiting where we are called to remember the past and anticipate the future, opening our hearts and our lives up to the new and unexpected things that God wants to birth in us.
During Advent, we look to the past, and we remember how God’s people longed for a rescuer. They, too, were waiting for the promised Messiah to set them free from the oppressive rule of the Romans. Yet, God had even more abundant plans, sending his one and only Son to rescue, redeem, and deliver humanity from the oppression of sin, setting people free forever.
But in Advent, we also look to the future—watching and waiting for Christ to come once again. Yes, Advent reminds us that Christ, who once came as a little baby in Bethlehem, will one day come again in glory to make all things new and set right all the world’s wrongs once and for all. 
Indeed, Advent is a call to remember the past and anticipate the future. This Advent, may we open our hearts and our lives up to the coming of Christ once again, and may he fill us with hope, peace, joy, and love. 

The Prayerful Pause - November 29

December will soon be here! It's hard to believe that 2023 is almost over. Before we blink, we will be ringing in 2024. But before we turn another page on the calendar, let me share some of the wonderful things taking place in worship during the Season of Advent!
This year, Advent begins on Sunday, December 3. During Advent, we will eagerly prepare for Jesus’ arrival, making rooming our hearts and in our lives for him. We also prepare our Sanctuary for Christmas each year as we celebrate the Hanging of the Greens on the First Sunday of Advent. This year, we will have our Hanging of the Greens Service on Sunday morning. Before the service at 10:00 AM, we hope you will join us for a fellowship time with the Union Family in the Fellowship Hall and bring a snack to share. Spending time together in fellowship is a great way to kick off the Advent Season.
During the four weeks of Advent, our theme in worship will be “Rerouted," and we will focus on the many ways that God directed and re-directed people in the Christmas story. I am especially excited about this sermon series as it reminds us to keep our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds open to the new things God wants to do in our lives.
On December 20 at 6:00 PM, we will hold our second annual Blue Christmas Service to reach out to those grieving in the church and the wider community. You may not have heard of a Blue Christmas Service before, but it's a service that speaks especially to people grieving loss during this time of year. You may know a friend or neighbor who is grieving the loss of a loved one or who is grieving another type of loss, including a recent divorce or job transition. Our Blue Christmas service will acknowledge the heaviness that people often feel during this season while pointing to the hope that Jesus brings even as we grieve. Please pray that God will use our Blue Christmas service to comfort those feeling blue this season.
Our music ministry will lead us in worship on Sunday, December 17, as the story of Christ is told through song and readings. We also look forward to our candlelight Christmas Eve service on Sunday, December 24, at 5:00 PM. Since Christmas Eve is also on Sunday this year, we will have a family-friendly service for all ages at 11:00 AM on Christmas Eve that morning, too. There will be no Sunday School on Christmas Eve.
I hope you will invite a friend or neighbor to visit Union for any of our services during December. It will be a rich and meaningful month of worship. During December, there are also a host of fellowship and service opportunities for all age groups in the Union Family. You can find more information about these fellowship and service opportunities sprinkled throughout these pages. It will be a joyous month as we watch and wait for Christ. May the joy of Jesus fill our hearts this December as we worship, serve, and fellowship together.

The Prayerful Pause - November 15

What do you want to praise God for today?

That’s our question of week this week, and my heart has been full this week hearing your answers. Indeed, we have so much in our lives to be grateful for, and God’s unconditional love and constant care are two amazing gifts that really are important to me.
Sometimes in life we may not feel like praising God: when we are discouraged, facing many personal challenges, or feeling weighed down by hard things in the world or in the lives of those we love. It can feel hard to praise God sometimes when our hearts, our lives, and the world are heavy. Yet, I’ve noticed over the years that offering our praise and thanks to God, even in the middle of struggles and storms, helps us find new hope and new strength to carry on.
In worship, we sing the doxology each week. It’s one of the ways that we seek to praise God during every service. May the words to the doxology be on your lips each day, trusting that no matter what struggle or storm we are facing, we can count on God to be with us in it. Indeed, God is with us as our creator, our redeemer, and our sustainer even in the struggles and the storms of life. That’s always a reason we can praise God! So sing it with me right where you are:
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

The Prayerful Pause - November 1

November is here, and Thanksgiving will soon be upon us. We have so much to be thankful for every day! During November, I want to encourage you to spend some time prayerfully reflecting on the many ways God has blessed Union in 2023. Here is a short list of things we can thank God for as a church family this Thanksgiving!

  • Thank God for the worship, fellowship, and service that fills our lives with joy as we seek to follow Christ together!

  • We’ve welcomed five new members by transfer of letter in 2023: David Lovell, Madison and Adam Fitzgerald, and Pam and Larry Gunter. We’ve welcomed 2 new members by baptism, Noah Whitehurst and Cora Sledge. We've also welcomed several new active participants into the community this year!

  • We’ve had several opportunities to reach out to young families in our community through Fall Family Fun Night, Vacation Bible School, Parents Night Out, and the Easter Egg Hunt. God has graciously grown our Ministry to Children and Youth over the last year as well!

  • God continues to use our GriefShare Ministry, providing comfort and care for the participants through our extraordinary leaders. God has even grown this ministry, allowing us to partner with our friends at Presbyterian Village to host a safelight group this fall.  

  • Our Young Adult Hangout Group continues to be an excellent way for our young folks to stay connected and find an outlet for Christian fellowship.

  • In addition to Sunday School, we offered 3 small group Bible Studies, 2 groups for women and 1 group for men, in the winter, spring, and fall. We’ve seen participants in the women’s Bible Studies from the wider community. We also had a meaningful Soup and Study during Lent.

  • Our Disciples Men spent a day serving at Camp Christian last spring, and they just held a dinner to enjoy fellowship and learn more about the ministry of ACTS.

  • Many volunteers in the church family regularly serve with ACTS, and we are thankful for their support of this life-giving ministry.

  • Our Tuesday morning craft group has made 1,435 fleece comfort pillows to encourage people undergoing medical treatments. They are now diligently working on some amazing new Chrismons for our Sanctuary Tree! 

  •  Union has spent 4 weeks providing meals and serving as hosts to support Family Promise of Athens, with a fifth week on the horizon in December.

  • Your giving to our Fifth Sunday Benevolence Offerings has helped families in need in our local community 31 times this year. You’ve also shared 40 Easter Food     boxes, and we plan to share around 50 food boxes with families this Thanksgiving.

  • You've generously given supplies and money to support 12 different Christian Women's Fellowship Projects throughout the year, impacting families in our community and around the world.

Indeed, we have much to be thankful for as a church family! I hope you will spend some time this month thanking God for all these good gifts in our life and ministry together!

The Prayerful Pause - October 25

We have some exciting things going on at Union this weekend!
On Friday, our Disciples Men will enjoy a catered dinner at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. This gathering will include fellowship and a chance to learn more about the ministry of ACTS from Randy Dawson. I am thankful for Julian Beckwith and his hard work in putting together this special evening. It’s great to see our Disciples Men seeking to become more intergenerational in their fellowship and service. I look forward to seeing how God will continue to grow and guide them going forward.
This Sunday is also our annual Fall Fun Night! We are excited to welcome our community to Union for this special outreach event. I am thankful so many of you have signed up to serve or share supplies for this outreach. Please take a moment this week to invite your friends and neighbors to join us for Fall Family Fun Night! It’s a great way to reach out to young families with children and youth in our community.
Below are a few prayer needs as we prepare for this special outreach event and some details about arrival times for volunteers and supplies.
Prayer Needs for our Fall Family Fun Night Outreach:

  • Please pray that the event will go smoothly and be a gift to the community.

  • Please pray that all who come will experience God’s love through the warmth of welcome and generosity of the Union Family.

  • Please also pray for those who are seeking a new church home. May God welcome them “home” to Union at Fall Family Fun.

Arrival Times for Supplies and Volunteers:

  • Please deliver all food or supply donations to the Basement by Sunday morning.

  • The Set-Up Crew will start working at 1:30 PM on Sunday.

  • All station, activity leaders, and Trunk or Treat participants, please arrive by 2:20 PM and be ready to go at your stations by 2:40 PM. 

Fall Family Fun Schedule:

  • 1:30 PM- Set-up Crew begins

  • 2:20 PM- Station, Activity, Leaders, and Trunk or Treat Participants arrive.

  • 2:40 PM- All Stations Ready

  • 3:00 PM- Fall Family Fun Night Begins

  • 5:00 PM- Clean up

The Prayerful Pause - October 18

Sharing our unique viewpoints to inform the work of our church committees is a marker of a healthy and active church. Seeking input from the congregation is also a hallmark of our congregational polity in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
This week, I want to encourage everyone to prayerfully consider the information packet and survey that the Columbarium Committee has recently shared with the church if you have not already done so. The committee wants to hear as many opinions as possible since the survey data will be used to determine if our congregation has enough interest to plan and construct a columbarium for Union Christian Church. The final day of the survey window is Sunday, October 22, so the time to make your voice heard is running short.
Some of you have asked if both spouses in a family are welcome to submit responses to the survey. Indeed, both spouses in a family are welcome and encouraged to submit their own survey responses.
You can find links to the informational packet and online survey by scrolling down in our midweek update. Paper copies of the packet and survey are also available in the church office and in the Gathering Space with envelopes in both locations to return your completed survey this Sunday.
Please take the time to share your thoughts and opinions with the Columbarium Committee before Sunday, October 22. I am thankful to be your pastor! You are a healthy church, and I appreciate the way we can ponder big questions together.

The Prayerful Pause - October 11

I am excited to officially welcome our new Assistant Childcare Provider, Maya Allen!
Maya will be helping Emily in the nursery on Sunday mornings, and we are thrilled to have her on board. Emily and Maya will lovingly care for our youngest children while also sharing a play-based Bible lesson with the kids in the nursery each week. It’s never too early to begin teaching our babies and toddlers about Jesus’ love, and I know that Emily and Maya will make a great team. Please take a moment to pray for Maya as she takes on this new role, and please offer her a warm welcome when you see her around the church building.
Speaking of prayer, I would like to thank everyone who has been praying for me this month during Pastor Appreciation Month. It means so much to me and my family. You are a true blessing!
This week, I also want to ask you to pause and pray for our church staff. We have a dedicated church staff, and I am blessed to serve alongside each of them.

  • Please pray for Nickie as she serves in the church office with amazing attention to detail, boundless compassion, and great love.

  • Please pray for J.R. as he offers expert guidance and ministry to the choir, worship band, and congregation while seamlessly handling all our A.V. needs.

  • Please pray for Holly as she ministers to our youth and children in a beautifully authentic and relational way, encouraging them to follow Jesus wholeheartedly while also recruiting and coordinating volunteers for these ministries.

  • Please pray for Gina as her fingertips glide over the piano keys, joyously sharing God’s love with each note she plays.

  • Please pray for Brice as he shares his musical gifts as an intern in our music ministry with dedication, enthusiasm, and a can-do attitude.

  • Please pray for Emily and Maya as they care for our youngest children in the nursery with compassion and patience, while modeling Jesus’ wide-armed welcome and love for them. 

  • Please pray for Kay Benton as she cleans the church building with a great combination of hard work, faithfulness, and love.

The Prayerful Pause - October 4

October is my favorite month of the year! I love watching the leaves each October as they turn rich hews of red, yellow, and orange. During October, the sunsets also seem a little more spectacular when you watch them while also enjoying the crisp, cooler air. This October, I am looking forward to the exciting things God has on the horizon for us as a church family as well.
Our October theme in worship is Mountainside Messages. In this Sermon Series, we will explore the challenging teachings that Jesus offers in the Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew 5-7. The Sermon on the Mount provides guidance on how followers of Christ can seek to live with ethics that reflect the Kingdom of God. I look forward to all that we will learn together as we explore Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount this month in worship.
Our Bible Book of the Month for October is Mark, and we will continue with our questions of the week both on Social Media and in person, too. It’s wonderful to see conversations across various generations both about the Bible and the questions of the week.

Our Disciples Men will hold a special dinner on Friday, October 27, at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall for the men of the church. Gathering for this special meal will be a great chance to build friendships and explore fellowship and service opportunities for our Disciples Men. Our speaker will be Randy Dawson, and he will share about the vital ministry of ACTS, Area Churches Together Serving. You can find more information by scrolling down. I hope you will join our Disciples Men for this special opportunity.
This month, we can also look forward to our Fall Family Fun Night outreach on Sunday, October 29, from 3–5 PM. Fall Family Fun Night is an excellent chance to invite our neighbors to experience the warmth and friendliness of the Union family. We will have invitation cards ready to pick up this Sunday, so you can invite your friends and neighbors to join in the fun. We need many volunteers and supply donations to make our Fall Family Fun Night outreach possible. Please look out for the sign-up clipboard on Sunday mornings or contact Holly Green for more information on how to help. Please also be in prayer for all who will come that day. Let's pray that God will help each person who comes to experience Jesus' love and welcome here at Union.

The Prayerful Pause - September 20

This week, I am thankful for our upcoming Disciples Women's Retreat. Friday, September 22 - Sunday, September 24. I am looking forward to leading the group through a keynote and workshops surrounding the topic, Dancing in the Rain.  

In my absence, Rev. Allie Osborne will lead worship this Sunday. Rev. Osborne is from Richmond, Virginia, and moved to Atlanta in 2021 with her two cats, Poppy and Scooter. She currently serves as the Minister of Missions and Children's Discipleship at Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church in Atlanta. She has also previously served in both children’s and youth ministry positions with other congregations. Allie has an undergraduate degree in Communication from Christopher Newport University in Virginia and a Master of Divinity from McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University in Atlanta. Her favorite activities are reading, hiking, and enjoying Mexican food.  

I hope you will join me in praying for Rev. Osborne, as she travels to be with you on Sunday. Pray that God will bless our Sunday service.

I also encourage you to pray for the Disciples Women's Retreat. Union has 8 women attending, in addition to myself. Pray for safe travels for all involved in the retreat. Pray that God would move and speak to the attendees, allowing them to go back to their home congregations refreshed and ready to continue serving God.

I love being your pastor, and I will certainly miss being with you this Sunday, but I know that you are in good hands. 

The Prayerful Pause - September 13

This week, I am wondering where do you feel most connected to God? That's our question of the week. I have heard some fantastic answers representing all the generations in the Union Family since last Friday when we posted this question on our Social Media pages. I've heard some amazing answers both online and through rich, in-person conversations as well.
For me, it's sitting in my favorite chair in my house when all is quiet. Many of you have shared how being in nature and admiring the beauty of God's creation helps you feel connected to God. Others have shared about feeling connected to God when reading and studying the Bible. Several of you have shared how music helps you connect to God deeply. Others of you find that journaling helps you connect to God.
Brothers and sisters, God longs to connect with us. This week, I encourage you to carve out some time and intentionally seek to connect with him. No matter where or how you choose to do that, know that God is already present with us. He is present wherever we are, just waiting for us to recognize and respond to his presence. He longs to give us rest, comfort, and peace as we sit in his presence. He longs to teach us and lead us as we connect with him. May these words from Matthew’s Gospel, which is also our Bible Book of the Month, help guide our hearts as we seek to connect with Christ this week. 
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

The Prayerful Pause - September 6

For several months, I have been praying and thinking about the importance of being a Multigenerational Church. Each generation has a meaningful perspective and brings something unique to the Body of Christ. As we continue to learn and grow in Christ together, I want us to learn from each other, too.
This year, I hope to encourage faith-filled conversations across all generations of the church family in two ways.
First, we will start by sharing a Question of the Week to encourage faith-filled, face-to-face dialogue and online conversations. Our Questions of the Week will be posted each Friday on social media, in Sunday's bulletin, and in the Midweek Update. Please take some time to chat with a family member or friend about our Question of the Week in person or on social media! 
Here are some upcoming Questions of the Week for September to whet your appetite.
September 1-7: What’s your favorite Bible story and why?
September 8-14: Where do you feel most connected to God?
September 15-21: What three words would you use to describe Jesus?
September 22-28: What’s your favorite Bible verse and why?
September 29-Oct 5: What do you love about your church family?
Second, we will begin highlighting and reading a specific book of the Bible each month. I hope that by  highlighting a particular book each month, all the generations of the church can explore the same part of the Bible together and reflect on ways we can apply it to our lives in today’s context. 
During September, I encourage everyone to read through the Book of Matthew
. Soon, I will be sharing some tips for reading through a book of the Bible with children, youth, spouses, friends, and neighbors in upcoming midweek articles. For now, I have shared some basic information and video resources about the Gospel of Matthew below to help get you started! I like to call this type of contextual information about a Bible Book the “back story.”
The Gospel of Matthew is one of the four Gospels found in the New Testament that chronicles the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus. It was written primarily for a Jewish audience and focuses on the themes of promise and fulfillment. The Book of Matthew has traditionally been attributed to the Apostle Matthew, also known as Levi, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples. The Gospel of Matthew is more like the Gospels of Mark and Luke than John’s Gospel. Together, Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called the Synoptic Gospels because they share a significant amount of common material and offer a similar perspective on Jesus’ life and ministry.
For those who would like a quick overview of the book before you read, or if you are a more visual learner, the Bible Project has two great videos for you to check out below.

The Prayerful Pause - August 23

Today I want to pause and ask you to pray for our spiritual leaders at Union, both our Elders and Deacons. Our current and previously serving Elders and Deacons will participate in a retreat in the Fellowship Hall from 10-2 PM this Saturday. Our topic for the Retreat will be Forward Together, and we will explore the importance of being a multigenerational church. We will look at ways to grow interactions and connections between various generations in the Union Family. We will also explore practical ways to connect with people from various generations who are hungry for God in the surrounding community.
Each generation has unique perspectives to share, and we celebrate that all of God's children from every generation can find a home in God's family! God wants our life and ministry together to be meaningful and relevant for all ages. Saturday's workshop will help our spiritual leaders seek God's direction and God's way forward together, so that people of all ages have a place here at Union for generations to come.  
As you pray for our spiritual leaders at Union this week, I also invite you to reflect on the words of the old Hymn, O God, our Help in Ages Past. It's number 67 in our Chalice Hymnal, and we will sing it this Sunday together in worship. The text by Isaac Watts reminds us of the incredible way God brings us all together and keeps us moving forward as the people of God.
O God, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come,
our shelter from the stormy blast,
and our eternal home!
Under the shadow of thy throne
still may we dwell secure;
sufficient is thine arm alone,
and our defense is sure.
Before the hills in order stood,
or earth received her frame,
from everlasting thou art God,
to endless years the same.
A thousand ages, in thy sight,
are like an evening gone;
short as the watch that ends the night
before the rising sun.
Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
soon bears us all away;
we fly forgotten, as a dream
dies at the opening day.
O God, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come,
be thou our guide while life shall last,
and our eternal home.

The Prayerful Pause - August 16

I am excited to share a few updates about our GriefShare Ministry with you! By God's grace, our GriefShare ministry is expanding this Fall, and we will host two groups to support those grieving the loss of friends and loved ones.
Our primary group will be at Union starting Thursday, August 24, at 1:30 PM and will run for 13 weeks. We will gather at the start of each session in the Fellowship Hall for some light refreshments and fellowship before the support group session begins.
This Fall, we are also partnering with our friends at Presbyterian Village to co-host a second group specifically for their residents on Mondays.
We are blessed to have fantastic facilitators who will lead these weekly group sessions at both locations. I am excited to see how God is using their willingness to serve and their unique gifts to compassionately walk with those who are grieving.
Please pray for all who will lead or participate in GriefShare. Prayer support is vital to a ministry like GriefShare, and we are so thankful for the way the Union Family continues to intercede for those involved in this ministry.
I hope you will also reach out and invite someone you know who is grieving to join our Thursday GriefShare Group Union at 1:30 PM. Our Union support group is open to anyone from the church or the community who may find GriefShare helpful. Participants can join any time during the 13 weeks by registering online at or by calling the church office.
It’s exciting to see how God is growing the impact of our GriefShare Ministry through your prayers and support. I can’t wait to see what God does next, both in us and through us together.
May God continue to keep us moving forward together!

The Prayerful Pause - August 9

I am excited about gathering with you as we celebrate Union Sunday this weekend! On Sunday, we will celebrate 171 years of ministry as a church together and prayerfully imagine how God is calling us forward in our life and ministry together! This is a tremendous milestone, and we thank God for how he has used this caring community to share his love throughout its history, both within and beyond these walls. We also look forward to ways he will work in us and through us in the future with great expectations. Our theme for Union Sunday will be "Forward Together," and we will draw insight from Joshua 4:1-14, 19-22 and Ephesians 4:11-16.
As we prepare for worship on Union Sunday, I invite you to prayerfully consider some important questions this week.

  1. What can I thank God for when I think about my journey with Jesus and with the Union Family over the years?

  2. What are your hopes and dreams for Union as we move forward in ministry together?

  3. What are God’s dreams for Union as we move forward in ministry together?

  4. How does God want to use this church family together to share his love for the next 171 years and beyond?  

Union Sunday is a great day to invite friends and neighbors to join you at church. Sometimes people have trouble finding authentic community and a sense of home in today’s fragmented world. The warm way you welcome and receive others at Union is a testimony to God's love and hospitality for all. As we celebrate 171 years in ministry, it seems especially appropriate to draw the circle wider once again. Let’s invite and welcome guests in anticipation that God will lead them to find their place with the Union Family. We also look forward to sharing a delicious fellowship meal after worship on Sunday and hope you will bring a covered dish for everyone to enjoy.

I love being your pastor Union Family! It’s a joy to walk forward together in ministry with you!