It's the First Day of School in Oconee County, and other schools in our area will soon follow. Today seems like a good time to let you in on a little secret about me. I absolutely love shopping for school supplies! There is nothing like a fresh bunch of sharpened pencils, a new set of colorful crayons, or the crisp click of a new three-ring binder. Yet, each year as I shop for school supplies, I am reminded that some school supplies don’t come from the store. Indeed, the most essential school supplies that students, teachers, and school staff need come from God! I am talking about school supplies like courage, patience, flexibility, kindness, perseverance, protection, and grace.
Our students, teachers, and school staff need our prayers. During the month of August, let's be united in praying for students, teachers, and school staff daily. Ask God to provide courage, patience, flexibility, kindness, perseverance, protection, and grace to all who learn and serve in schools. Let’s ask God to provide these important school supplies in abundance this year.
This Sunday, we have a special opportunity to pray for students, teachers, and school staff during our annual Blessing of the Backpacks in morning worship. This Sunday is a great day to invite the students, teachers, and school staff you know to join you at Union. During worship, we will share a blessing tag for school bags and backpacks as a reminder of the many prayers that will continue to go with those who learn and serve in our schools this year.
Thank you for being a praying church! I love being your pastor!
The Prayerful Pause - July 26
It’s hard to believe that summer is winding down and school bells will be ringing again soon. It seems like only yesterday that summer started. But even as the seasons change, many exciting things are coming up for us as a church family!
On Sunday, July 30, we have an Intergenerational Ice Cream and Music Social in the Fellowship Hall. This year, I am praying that God will continue growing us even more fully into a multigenerational church family. Every generation brings something unique to the Body of Christ, and our intergenerational fellowship opportunities give us a chance to develop relationships with each other across the generations. No matter our age or which generation we represent, we can always learn from each other and support each other as we grow in faith together. Our Ice Cream and Music Social will be a fun and relaxed time for everyone! I hope you will join us and get to know someone from another generation better.
Our annual Blessing of the Backpacks will take place on Sunday, August 6, in morning worship. This is a great time to invite students, teachers, and school staff to join you at Union. During worship, we will pray for all students (preschool to graduate school), teachers, and school staff. We will also share a blessing tag for school bags and backpacks as a reminder of the many prayers that go with those who learn and serve in our schools this year.
August 6 is also the Fall Kick Off for the Sunday evening programs for our Courageous Youth and Cool Kids. This year, we are trying a new schedule. Our Cool Kids will meet with Ms. Holly from 4:00-5:15 PM, and our Courageous Youth will meet with her from 5:00-6:15 PM. You may notice some overlap, and that's so each group can enjoy snack supper together but also have their own unique time of learning and fun with Ms. Holly. Parents, please be on the lookout for more details from Holly soon. And church, please pray that God will grow our youth and children in his grace this year and they seek to follow Jesus.
On Sunday, August 13, you are invited to join us for Union Sunday as we mark 171 years of ministry as a church. On this special Sunday, we will celebrate the past and look forward to the future God that is calling us to together. Union Sunday is a great day to invite friends and neighbors to come and experience the warmth, love, and care that we find at Union! We will also share a delicious covered dish fellowship meal after worship on Union Sunday.
On Saturday, August 26, we will hold a Deacons and Elders Leadership Retreat, from 10:00-2:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. This workshop is for both current and previously ordained Elders, as well as those who are serving or have served as Deacons previously. Our theme for the retreat will be Forward Together. Lunch will be provided. Please let me know if you plan to attend the Leadership Retreat by August 15.
Indeed, even as the seasons change, God has great things ahead, Union family! It's a joy to journey with you!
The Prayerful Pause - July 19
As I shared with you in last week’s Prayerful Pause, I want to encourage us individually and collectively to find ways to practice Holy Stillness before God during July and August. I believe that the time we spend in the stillness with God at the start of this new church year will help us as we seek to move forward together in our shared ministry. This week, I want to share some suggestions for helping us be still and know God more deeply.
My first tip is to begin your time of stillness with a prayer. David’s prayer in Psalm 131 paints a beautiful picture of stillness before God. If you've ever watched a child still and quiet as they drift off to sleep in a parent's arms, you've seen a picture of what Holy Stillness looks like. It's a place of comfort, satisfaction, and rest. You may want to consider praying the words of Psalm 131 as you enter a time of stillness with God.
1O Lord, my heart is not lifted up;
my eyes are not raised too high;
I do not occupy myself with things
too great and too marvelous for me.
2 But I have calmed and quieted my soul,
like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
3 O Israel, hope in the Lord
from this time forth and forevermore.
Here are a few more tips for practicing Holy Stillness during July and August.
Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit when you practice stillness. Listen and talk to God in a place where you feel relaxed and at peace.
Put away all the things that distract you. Focus on something that soothes you and helps you be still.
You can pray out loud or silently. You can journal, draw or doodle your prayers to God too. At times, I’ve also found joy in writing letters to God.
Listen to quiet hymns or praise music in the stillness. I have found that Instrumental music works well for me.
Read and reflect on a Bible verse or passage.
Try starting with 5 or 10 minutes of stillness and then build up to 30 minutes or more.
You can practice Holy stillness at any time of the day or night whenever it's convenient for you.
Give yourself permission to doze off in the stillness but be sure to set an alarm if you have somewhere to go!
Above all, be still and know that God loves you and will never leave you. In the stillness, may you find love and the deep peace of Christ that fuels our life and ministry together!
The Prayerful Pause - July 12
When it the last time you were really still? It’s a call we find in Psalm 46.
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10
Last week, I enjoyed reading about how the Christian non-profit International Justice Mission practices an intentional Holy Stillness each morning from 8:30-9:00 AM. International Justice Mission is a courageous and bustling organization that works around the world to fight against human trafficking, slavery, and abuse. Despite this daunting work that could so easily feel soul-crushing and exhausting, the entire organization is committed to stopping for 30 minutes at the start of every morning to be still before God for 30 minutes.
During this time of intentional Holy Stillness that occurs across multiple times zones each day, there are no cell phones, computers, or devices, and no meetings are held. Instead, they focus on being well-connected to Christ and staying connected to him as their source for service. Many use this time to journal, to pray, or to focus on a verse of Scripture or a well-loved passage from the Bible. Others simply sit still and listen for God’s direction.
During July and August, I want to encourage us to be intentional about taking a little time every day to be still and to know God. As we sit in stillness with God, I have listed a few things you can talk with God about below. But I am sure you have things of your own you would enjoy talking about with God. These are only suggestions.
God, please sing me a love song that reminds me who I am in Christ.
God, what do you want me to remember about you today?
God, what are your dreams for me as a follower of Christ?
God, what are your dreams for Union as a church?
God, what assignments do you have for me as I seek to share your love in the world?
God, what do you want to teach me or show me today?
Next week, I will share a few tips for practicing Holy Stillness and drawing closer to Christ in our midweek update. Until then, may you find Christ's love and deep peace in the stillness.
The Prayerful Pause - June 28
Sometimes it is easy to get depleted and bogged down by life’s difficulties. Over the years, I have learned that when I feel discouraged, it helps to intentionally thank God for what I am grateful for each day. When I spend time praising God, the giver of all good gifts, God grows a heart of gratitude in me that helps me rejoice even when life is tough.
As a church family, we have much to be grateful for this past year. Union is growing and thriving in our shared ministry together. We’ve had rich times of worship over the past year, filled with God’s presence and some amazing music from our Choir and Worship Band. We had six new members officially join, and many more active participants became part of the Union family, too! Our youth and children’s ministries are flourishing. We’ve launched new ministries like Young Adult Hangout, GriefShare, CommUnity Groups, and enjoyed several wonderful Intergenerational Fellowship opportunities. You’ve continued ministries like Family Promise, service with ACTS, Christian Women’s Fellowship Projects, Craft Group, and Disciples Men. Our Small Group Bible studies that meet during the school year are thriving with groups for both women and men. Our outreach efforts into the local community through VBS, Benevolence Ministries, outreach projects, and other special events have helped us interact with our neighbors and share God's love within and beyond our walls. The thriving ministry of Union Christian Church gives me a reason to smile and rejoice today!
As we enter a new church year this month, I want to encourage you to take a moment to view some of the pictures of our life and ministry together over the past year. Check out the wonderful slideshow of updated photos on the church website at I promise you’ll see many reasons to smile and rejoice! As you watch the slideshow, I hope you’ll take some time to give God all the praise and glory for so many good gifts! Then, please pray that God will continue to grow us and guide us our ministry together in the year ahead.
I love being your pastor, Union Family! I thank God each time I remember you!
The Prayerful Pause - June 21
This week, I wanted to pause and share a few ideas for simple, low-cost ways that we can be the hands and feet of Christ together this summer! Yes, we can share God’s love with others in our daily lives just by doing small acts of unexpected kindness from time to time. Here are a few ways to prayerfully consider reaching out to folks around you this summer.
Help Union’s Christian Women’s Fellowship collect the school supplies that our teachers have requested for students in need. You can drop your supplies in the Gathering Space until July 23. Please be sure to check the list of supplies needed in this mid-week update before you do your shopping.
Mail notes of encouragement to 3-4 people on the Union prayer list.
Call, text, or email someone who is discouraged and share some kind words of encouragement, remembering that "Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body” (Proverbs 16:24).
Deliver some pre-packaged snacks to a local fire station, police station, medical office, or business with a thank you note.
Spend time with a friend or neighbor who needs some encouragement. The ministry of your presence with others means so much.
Drop off some flowers, garden fresh produce, cookies, or another small gift on a neighbor's porch with an encouraging note.
Invite some friends to join you for church on a Sunday morning, and then share a meal and good conversation with them afterward.
No matter how you are led to do it, please keep sharing God’s love with others wherever you are and wherever you go this summer! I am thankful for you, Union Family! May God continue to bless others through your love, generosity, and service!
The Prayerful Pause - June 14
Each of us is an integral part of the Body of Christ, and we each have various gifts, talents, and passions that God has given us for service and ministry together. The Apostle Paul's words to the Church at Corinth remind us, "You are the Body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it” (1 Cor. 12:27).
One great way to get plugged in and use some of the gifts God has given you is to serve on one of our Service Teams at Union! Below are some short descriptions of our Service Teams. If you are interested in serving on a Service Team, take a moment to sign-up as the clipboard is passed over the next several weeks. You can also contact me for more information if you have any questions.
Worship Leader Team- Lead the Call to Worship, offer the Invocation, and read the Opening Scripture during morning worship.
Children’s Church Teacher- Teach a Bible lesson to our preschool and elementary-aged children. A lesson plan with fun activities will be provided.
Children’s Ministry Assistants- Assist the lead teacher or childcare provider as needed on Sunday in the children's church or the nursery.
Children’s Chat Team- Share a Bible story or object lesson with our children during morning worship.
Greeter Team- Welcome guests and members to Union in a warm and friendly way.
Sanctuary Prep Team- Prepare the Sanctuary and Communion Table for morning worship.
Hospitality Team- Help provide food and hospitality during times of illness or bereavement.
Maintenance Team- Troubleshoot and work with a team to tackle the maintenance and repair needs of the church building.
Safety and Security Team- Secure and monitor the church building and parking lot on Sundays.
I am thankful for each of you and the many ways we can serve together as the Body of Christ!
The Prayerful Pause - May 31
Summer is finally here! It’s time to enjoy some warmer weather and fun with family and friends. The summer season is also an important time to take a breath and find some new rhythms and routines. As we ease into the summer months, our June sermon Series, “Making Room,” will help us focus on several ways of intentionally making room in our lives to rejoice, recharge, remember, and rest. Through this Sermon Series, we will discover that when we seek to make room for these 4 important R’s, God has more room to grow us and guide us to become more deeply rooted in Christ.
Vacation Bible School starts next Monday, June 5 at 5:30 PM and runs through Thursday June 8! Thank you to all who have volunteered and shared supplies with us for VBS already! Hero Hotline is going to be a lot of fun and a wonderful opportunity for our children to learn and put down deep roots in their faith. Please pray for the children and all the volunteers who will participate in VBS this year. Ask God to bless them and grow each one in his grace.
This summer, we are also trying something new specifically for our Middle and High School during the summer months. Union’s Meet Up Mondays will give our Middle and High Schoolers a chance to connect for more regular times of prayer and fellowship during the summer months! If you have a Middle or High School student, please check out the information about Meet Up Mondays in the pages that follow or reach out to Holly for more information.
Union has also been invited to a game kickball and cookout with several sister churches in our area on June 11 at 6:00 PM. This gathering will be held at Watkinsville First United Methodist. All young adults, youth, children, and those young at heart are invited to join our Union Kickball Team and share in this fun time together!
Please also make sure to mark your calendars for our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 11 following morning worship. As we prepare for the new church year that begins in July, your participation in this important meeting is vital. We will share a covered-dish meal together after our business is concluded that day in the Fellowship Hall.
Union Family, I love being your pastor, and I am so thankful for the vibrant life and ministry that we have together!
The Prayerful Pause - May 24
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday! We look forward to celebrating God’s gift of the Holy Spirit and the Birthday of the Church. Red is the liturgical color for Pentecost because it reminds us that the Spirit came with a loud rushing wind and tongues of fire, enabling Jesus’ disciples and followers to speak in many languages and understand each other at same time. I hope you will wear red to church on Sunday to celebrate Pentecost! We will also be waving some red streamers during the opening hymn as we remember God’s gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Feast of Pentecost was first an important celebration for the Jewish people. Each year, faithful Jews traveled to the Temple at Pentecost to celebrate the early wheat harvest that took place 50 days after Passover. Jews from all over traveled to the Temple to offer the most-choice wheat from the early harvest as a "thank offering" to God. In the Jewish tradition, Pentecost, or the Feast of Weeks, was also a time to remember that God had given the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai.
But the Pentecost recorded in Acts 2 was the most unusual Pentecost ever. Hearing and understanding so many different languages, the bewildered crowd wondered, “What does this mean?” All these years later, that’s a good question for us, too, as we prepare to celebrate Pentecost once again. What does it mean to be the Church empowered and bound together by the gift of the Spirit? Here are a few reflections:
Pentecost reminds us that the Spirit continually sustains us, guides us, and equips us for our shared ministry.
Pentecost reminds us that the Spirit empowers our ministry individually and collectively as the Church.
Pentecost reminds us that we, as the People of God, can find unity even in our diversity.
Pentecost reminds us that the Spirit is powerful! May we continue listen for the Spirit’s powerful leadership in our lives, not only at Pentecost but in every season.
If you have young children or grandchildren at home, author Traci Smith offers some creative ways to celebrate Pentecost with little ones. See her ideas below.
The Prayerful Pause - May 17
Union’s members have a long tradition of military service over the years. As a church, we seek to honor our service men and women in various ways throughout the year. We post flags on the graves of the 44 veterans buried in Union’s Cemetery for Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day. This past December, we placed wreaths on each veteran’s grave to honor their service and sacrifice. Each November, we seek to honor our living veterans on the Sunday closest to Veterans Day. We feel so inspired when we see the pictures of Union's veterans, both past and present, in our annual slideshow tribute each November.
This Saturday at 11:00 AM, we will be making preparations for Memorial Day in Union's Cemetery. Larry Saul has already been working hard to prepare for this special workday, pre-marking our veterans' graves for this meaningful time of remembrance. Members of our Disciples Men’s Group and the Cemetery Committee will be helping in this effort, and we want to invite anyone else who can join us to participate in this special workday.
We will begin promptly at 11:00 AM in the cemetery, with a time of prayer and remembrance. During this prayer time, we will especially remember those who lost their lives in service to our country, asking God to comfort and sustain these families as they grieve. Then, we will respectfully post flags on the graves of each veteran buried in Union's cemetery.
This Saturday’s Cemetery workday promises to be a deeply meaningful time together as we stop and give thanks for the service of so many dedicated service men and women. I hope you will plan to join us on Saturday and also take a moment to thank God for all who have served.
The Prayerful Pause - May 10
This Sunday, May 14, is Mother's Day! Let’s pause and thank God for all who mother us and pray for them as well. Here are a few prayer points to help us pray.
Thank God for the mothers who raised us and also for all the women who have mothered us over the years in one way or another.
Thank God for those who mothered us in the home and for those who mothered us in the faith.
Thank God for all the women who have mothered us, nurtured us, taught us, prayed for us, encouraged us, and given us wise counsel and guidance.
Pray for those who long to be mothers and for those who grieve the loss or absence of children.
Pray for those who are missing mothers who have passed away or who are absent.
Pray for those who may be estranged from their mother. Ask God to bring healing, hope, and reconciliation.
Pray that God will provide wisdom, encouragement, and strength to all the women who mother others daily.
Union is filled with mighty women who mother others in such amazing ways! Thank God for all who mother in the Family of God.
Indeed, God has used and continues to use women to love, nurture, and guide us. Thanks be to God for the mothering care of the mighty women in our lives. Amen!
The Prayerful Pause - May 3
Each year as we turn the calendar to May, I am reminded of the familiar adage: "April showers bring May flowers." Each time I remember that old familiar saying, I am reminded that both sunshine and rain are needed for flowers and plants to grow.
This month, we begin a new sermon series entitled "Growing." We'll look at how God grows us in trust, wisdom, love, and the Spirit as we seek to follow Jesus. Yes, as Christians, we put some effort into our faith formation and spiritual growth, but it's God, and God alone, who gives us growth. So, this month, I want to encourage us to prayerfully ask God some big questions.
Lord, how do you want to grow me?
Lord, how do you want to grow us as a church?
Lord, how do you want to grow the impact of Union's life and ministry together?
These are questions that only God can answer. May we listen for his voice and follow his lead as we seek to grow together. As always, I would love to hear what God is sharing with you as you consider these questions prayerfully.
This month, I also hope you will take some time to pray about how you can plug into some of Union's programs and ministries. This midweek update and our recent May newsletter are both filled with opportunities that God can use to grow us in various ways.
Union Family, I love being your pastor and seeing how God continues to grow and guide us together!
The Prayerful Pause - April 26
This week, I have been reflecting on how each generation in the Union Family plays an essential part in our life and ministry together! Just take a look at our Choir and Worship Band on Sunday mornings! We have a great combination of generations leading us in worship each week. I especially love that our children participate alongside of our grown-ups, learning to serve God and developing their musical skills. When we teach our young folks how to serve as part of the Body of Christ, God equips them for continued service as adults.
When we recently shared Easter boxes with families in the community, all generations participated as well. Whether filling boxes, purchasing hams, or carrying food to cars on pick-up day, all generations in the church took part! God used the entire Union Family to share the love of Christ with 40 families in the community this Easter. What a wonderful intergenerational ministry!
Serving together across the generations also helps us encourage each other as we grow in love, grace, and unity. This past Saturday, a group of our Disciples Men traveled to Camp Christian for a workday. It was a smaller group, but it included multiple generations of hard workers. One of our young adults, Harrison Clark, even drove from Atlanta to serve with them. Yet another example of intergenerational ministry!
In addition to serving together, we also need to have fun as a family of faith! Research has shown that families who regularly spend time doing enjoyable activities together have stronger relationships with each other than families who do not.
This weekend, we have a fantastic opportunity for all the generations in the Union Family. Please join us for our Intergenerational Game Night on Sunday from 4-6 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We will play bingo and other games around the tables. May God use this time to grow and strengthen our relationships with each other across the whole church family. I hope you will invite a friend to join you for this fun night at Union.
In closing, I invite you to take a moment to thank God for drawing all generations together in Christ using this verse from Ephesians 3:20-21.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to the power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
The Prayerful Pause - April 19
This week, I want to encourage you to take some time to pray for the work of the various Committees and Service Teams we have here at Union! Our Committees and Service Teams share their time and talents with great love, and we are thankful for the seen and unseen ways that God is using them.
Please ask God to give each group the wisdom and resources needed to do the work God has given them as part of our life and ministry together. Additionally, if you ever have any questions about these groups or how you can plug in, please contact the chairperson, team leader, or myself for more information. A full list of all the people who serve on these Committees and Services Teams is maintained in the Church Office.
Thank you for praying for the work of Union's Committees and Service Teams! I love serving and praying as part of the Body of Christ with you!
Permanent Committees at Union:
Worship Committee, Alan Hickerson, Chair
Finance Committee, Patti Clark, Chair
Cemetery Committee, Julian Beckwith, Chair
Building Committee, Earl Elsner, Chair
Permanent Fund Committee, Chair will be selected at the next meeting
Pastoral Relations Committee, Julia Beckwith, Chair
Personnel Committee
Shot-Term Committees Currently Working:
A Columbarium Task Force, Hal Tatum Chair
The Church Council formed the Columbarium Task Force Committee in March of 2023. This committee will objectively study the feasibility of having a Columbarium in the Cemetery for the interment of cremated remains. This committee will seek feedback from the congregation as they undertake their work in the coming months. Please pray for this committee as they seek to study the feasibility of a Columbarium at Union.
The By-Law Review Committee, David Webb, Chair
The Regathering Committee, Earl Elsner and Alan Hickerson, Co-Chairs
Service Teams at Union:
Maintenance Team, Leader: JR Beckwith
Greeter Team, Nickie Pearson manages the schedule/supplies
Sanctuary Prep Team, Nickie Pearson manages the schedule/supplies
Hospitality Team, Leader: Wanda Maxey
Safety Team, Leader: Larry Saul
Children’s Church, Holly Green manages the schedule/supplies
Children’s Chat Team, Holly Green manages the schedule
Nursery Team, Holly Green manages the schedule
The Prayerful Pause - April 12
My heart is still full after our wonderful experiences together during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter! The joy of Resurrection Sunday will continue to linger as we celebrate the next 6 Sundays of Eastertide.
This week, let’s take some time to pause and thank God for the many blessings we have seen and experienced during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Please join me in thanking God for the following:
The amazing Easter Boxes that were shared with our neighbors in need. These boxes were a beautiful outreach to families in our local area.
A meaningful Lenten Soup and Study that God used to draw us closer to Christ and one another.
We welcomed Noah Whitehurst as a new member by profession of faith in March. He will be baptized on April 16.
Our new GriefShare Ministry launched during Lent and is off to a great start. The participants feel cared for and supported.
A meaningful Maundy Thursday service that called us to consider how much Jesus loves us.
A joyous Easter Egg Hunt made possible by faithful volunteers and donations from the congregation.
A special Sunrise Service and a delicious breakfast prepared with love.
A glorious Easter Service at 11:00 AM filled our hearts with joy!
The fantastic way that the Union Family works together to accomplish ministry for the Glory of God!
Indeed, we have much to be thankful for as we look back and see how God has been working in us and through us each day!
Next week, our Spring Bible Study Sessions begin for both women and men! I hope you will participate as your schedule allows and invite a friend to join you. You can find more information about these Spring Bible Study Groups below. These small groups are a great opportunity to grow in our faith and in our relationships with each other.
I thank God for you, Union Family! May God continue to grow us and guide us as we seek to follow Jesus and love others in his name.
The Prayerful Pause - April 5
It’s Holy Week, and this Thursday is Maundy Thursday. We will hold a Communion and Tenebrae Service at 6:00 PM that evening to remember Jesus’ final hours before his death.
Maundy Thursday is the night that we remember and celebrate the final supper Jesus shared with his disciples before he went to the cross. As Disciples, we share communion each Sunday. Yet, it takes on a special significance on Maundy Thursday as we journey with Jesus from the Upper Room, to the cross, and then to the tomb.
The term Maundy Thursday is derived from the Old French mande and from the Latin mandatum novum, meaning "a new commandment" that is referenced in John 13:34. “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” Jesus’ great love of us is reflected powerfully in the way that he laid down his life for us.
Tenebrae, the Latin word for darkness, is an adaptation of the ancient service in which candles are lit at the opening of the service and extinguished one by one after each scripture lesson, commemorating the darkness at the time of the Crucifixion.
Come and share in the Lord’s Supper and walk through the shadows of Jesus’ final hours this Thursday at 6:00 PM. This service will be a rich time of worship that makes Easter even more meaningful.
The Prayerful Pause - March 29
I am looking forward to this Sunday! It's Palm Sunday, and we will remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We will remember that the crowds welcomed Jesus by waving palm branches and shouting, "Hosanna." We will remember that Jesus entered the city in a most unexpected way, riding on the back of a humble donkey. We will remember that those welcoming cheers of Hosanna soon turned to jeers, sneers, and angry voices shouting, "crucify him."
As we prepare our hearts for Palm Sunday and for the start of Holy Week, let’s prayerfully pause and remember that Jesus, our King, comes to us every day as we experience ups and downs on the road of life. In times of joy, celebration, sorrow, challenge, or peace, Jesus, our King, comes to us and is with us on the journey every day! May we welcome his presence and rejoice!
Palm Sunday also begins Holy Week, the week that we journey with Jesus from the shouts of “Hosanna” on Palm Sunday, to the Upper Room and the Garden on Thursday, to the horrific events of Good Friday, and to the joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
As we prepare for Holy Week, please pray that God will draw us and others in the wider community closer to Jesus. I also want to encourage you to invite someone you know to come with you to Union during Holy Week. The vast majority of people who begin attending a new church have been specifically invited by someone that they already know in that church.
Holy Week is an excellent time to be intentional about inviting your friends and neighbors to come and experience God's love at Union. Below you will find a calendar of events for Holy Week at Union. You can pick up printed copies of this invitation card on Sunday to share with your friends and neighbors, too. We will also be posting our Holy Week calendar on social media so you can share it on your page as an easy way of inviting others to Union.
I look forward to experiencing Holy Week as we remember Jesus' life, death, and resurrection together!
The Prayerful Pause - March 22
During Lent, we've been exploring some meaningful conversations that people had with Jesus during his earthly ministry. Prayer is our primary way of talking and listening to God. Yet, in our busy and noisy lives, it can sometimes feel hard to stay focused in prayer with so many things competing for our time and attention.
What helps you focus your mind and your heart when you pray? Here are a few things that help me focus when I seek to talk and listen to God.
I often pray out loud, just as if I am talking to a dear friend. Sometimes these prayers are just a few sentences, and at other times, I have much more to share with God. Over the years, I have found that the length of my prayers or the words that I say don’t matter. It is the regularity of my out loud conversations with God that are important. The more we talk to God, the deeper our connection with the Lord grows.
Sometimes I write my prayers out in a journal. These prayers are penned like a letter to God, but I never worry about correct spelling, good handwriting, or proper grammar. I write out whatever is on my heart, knowing God understands.
I've also drawn and doodled my prayers when I don’t have the words to pray. I am not an artist, but God understands what I am trying to communicate.
Praying with other people often helps me focus, too. At times, I have met weekly with a prayer partner. Now, our family spends time together in the evenings, reading a few chapters of Scripture and praying before bed. Our Tuesday Night Meet and Greet and our Saturday morning Prayer Call are two ways to connect with others in prayer each week, and there is always room for more folks to join in. Making prayer with others a routine is a wonderful way to cultivate a habit of prayer.
Listening to God as we pray can at times seem elusive. I've found that listening to Christian music throughout the day helps me focus my heart on listening to God. The music helps me quiet myself enough to listen for God’s voice but sometimes God even uses the lyrics of the music I am listening to teach me important things.
Often, I find myself listening to God when I am doing something else like driving, brushing my teeth, or walking around. I’ve never heard the audible voice of God, but I usually hear God’s voice as a gentle nudge in my heart or as a surprising idea that springs to mind unexpectedly. I’ve heard God's stirring in my spirit and sensed God’s leadership in my gut. God has even spoken to me through the encouragement or questions of God's people. I think the key to listening to God is simply being open and available for God to speak to us. So, this week, I want to encourage us to regularly open ourselves up to God using the word that the young prophet Samuel did by simply telling God, "Speak, your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3: 10).
Prayerful Pause - March 15
Signs of new life are beginning to blossom all around us. Spring comes with a colorful beauty that delights our eyes but also disturbs our sinuses. Spring comes with both warmer days and cooler days with rain. As we did last Sunday, Springing Forward is another part of spring with pros and cons. We don't relish the thought of losing an hour of sleep or the impact the time change has on our sleeping patterns, but we enjoy the extra daylight in the evenings. As the seasons change, we embrace both the wonderful and the challenging aspects because it's part of growth and new life.
At Union, we have signs of life and new growth all around us. New ministries are sprouting up and growing. Our GriefShare ministry is off to a great start, with 17 people present last week, including participants and leaders. Our new CommUnity Groups@Union are off to a great start with three groups enjoying fun and fellowship together. Our children's ministry, youth ministry, and young adult ministries are also growing!
Even around the church building, we can see signs of restoration and renewal. Our Building Committee has done some amazing work in selecting the materials for the Fellowship Hall refresh, and we are starting to see some of the results already. Over the next several weeks, this project should be wrapping up. Union's Maintenance Team is also working hard to care for our building and grounds. Have you noticed the new swings on the swing set recently? They are a big hit with our youth and children. We even have some wonderful new storage racks for our paraments and banners that JR Beckwith designed and made.
Yes, new signs of life are all around us. But sometimes, when there is growth and change, we find ourselves needing flexibility, patience, and grace to meet the unexpected challenges that often accompany new life. This week, I want to encourage us all to build each other up and practice patience and peace with ourselves and others when new life and growth brings challenges.
Paul said it well in Romans 14:19, So let's strive together for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up. Union Family, indeed, let's celebrate and thank God for these new signs of life while also prayerfully seeking God's help to support and encourage each other when we face the challenges of new things too!
I love you, and I love being your Pastor!
The Prayerful Pause - March 8
During Lent, we have several opportunities to reach out and pray for our neighbors who are physically and spiritually hungry.
While we are preparing our hearts for Easter during Lent, we also have the opportunity to prepare and share Easter Food Boxes with families in need in our local area. Our goal is to help 40 families by providing an Easter meal this year complete with ham, sides, and dessert. You can pick up a box and a shopping list in the Gathering Space starting this Sunday, March 12. Boxes are due back at the church by March 26 and will be disrupted to families on Sunday, April 2.
In addition to preparing a box, I also want to encourage you to pray for the families who will receive these Easter food boxes throughout the month of March. Ask God to provide for their daily food needs faithfully, but also pray that God fills those who are spiritually hungry with the nourishment of his love and peace. Please pray that these families will experience God’s presence and guidance as they navigate various challenges in their daily lives as well.
We also have another way to help those experiencing food insecurity this month. Will you consider donating canned protein items to our CWF food drive for ACTS this month to help those who are hungry? You can drop off your protein items in the Gathering Space anytime this month. As you do so, please pray that God will continue to use the ministry of ACTS to help those in need in the area in compassionate and life-giving ways.
Finally, this month's community prayer emphasis is the Oconee Area Resource Council (OARC). Please pause and pray for the children and families who receive food from OARC’s Food for Kids Program this month. We were thankful for your generous donations to the Souper Bowl of Caring last month, giving $401 to support OARC’s Food for Kids Program. Please pray that God will continue to use this program to fill the hungry with good things for years to come.